Chapter 11

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It was now Friday and I was so happy for this week to finally be over. It felt like this one week was a whole year. Everyday I took Aiden home from Karate and he was the sweetest kid, he actually reminded me of myself along with my younger cousin, he was so familiar but I had no idea from where. Hawk and I were getting closer everyday and he is so supportive, everyday at PE this week he would just sit behind me and hug me until it was over, Tory would always make fun of us but we didn't care we were best friends. Miguel and Tory were now together and they are so cute together. I got up and got dressed, I picked a navy blue crop top that was super short and you could see both of my tattoos on my ribs and paired it with a pair of black shorts that showed half of my tattoo on my thigh. Today was the day I had to meet Hawk's mom at dinner later on tonight after Karate at 8. I was super nervous because I didn't know if she was going to like me. I was running late and I didn't have time for breakfast so I grabbed my stuff and drove to school. I got out and walked in, once again people looked at me and whispered, why this time, probably because I never wore stuff like this but I didn't care. I walked to my locker and put some of my stuff in there and then I felt arms wrap around me and spun me around.

"Hey Hawk." I giggled and smiled at him.

"Good morning princess." He smiled.

"What's up?" I asked closing my locker.

"I wanted to remind you that the dinner with my mom is tonight." He reminded.

"I know, and I'm super nervous, what if she doesn't like me?" I looked at him worried.

"Don't worry she'll like you." He grabbed my hands.

"You really think so?" I squeezed his hands a little.

"I know so." He kissed my forehead.

I smiled and we walked hand in hand to find Tory and Miguel.

"You look hot." He took his hand out of my hand and wrapped it around my waist.

"It's a simple outfit." I laughed.

"I can see our tattoo." He smiled.

"I know that was the point of the shirt stupid." I laughed.

He laughed and pulled me closer.

"Hey guys." I smiled as we walked up to Tory and Miguel.

"Hey, you look hot." Tory looked at me up and down.

"See I told you." Hawk laughed.

"I've never seen the famous matching tats, let me see side by side." Miguel gestured.

Hawk let me go and we both turned to the left so it showed our right side. Hawk lifted his shirt to show the tat and I just lifted my arm a little and showed my tat.

"Those are sick." Miguel admired them.

"We know." Hawk and I said in unison.

"When you guys are officially together are you going to add to them." Miguel asked.

"I don't know, maybe." Hawk let his shirt fall back down.

"Yeah maybe." I got nervous.

I hated when Miguel or Tory referenced when Hawk and I were going to be together officially or something along those lines because yes don't get me wrong I loved Hawk with everything I have. He is my whole heart, and if something were to happen to him I don't know what I would do. Of course I wanted to be together with him and us become an official couple but I also didn't want to because of that worry in the back of my mind. What if we broke up and we never talked to each other ever again. I don't want to lose Hawk, it would destroy me completely. I'd rather us be best friends and keep the relationship we had and nothing more so we could never break up and lose each other forever. I just can't afford losing Hawk.

I guess I zoned out because I snapped back when the bell rang for school. I turned around and I walked to class.

"Hey wait up." Hawk ran to my side.

I didn't look at him or say anything.

"What's wrong?" He looked at me.

"Nothing." I fake smiled.

"I know you're lying." He stopped walking.

"I'm not, I promise." I fake smiled again.

"Look I don't know if I said something but if I did I'm sorry and if it's not me then please tell me what's wrong." He pleaded.

"It's nothing." I started walking again.

Hawk didn't walk with me to class, we stayed behind and then I heard him walking the other. I knew I upset him and I felt bad but I was hurt and maybe if I let him go now it would save us both the trouble of heartbreak.

Hawk never came to class and I didn't see him all day. It was now PE and we changed and I met Tory at the bleachers at our usual spot.

"What happened to Hawk, he's super upset." Tory looked at me.

"It's me, I wouldn't tell him what was wrong and he walked away and I haven't seen him since." I looked at the ground.

"What was wrong?" She turned towards me.

"I hate when you guys say things about me and Hawk being officially together because I'm so worried about him leaving me at some point and being heart broken. I'd rather stay friends than to lose him completely." I explained still not looking at her.

"Look Madilyn, Hawk loves you we may not tell you but you should see the way he looks at you." She grabbed my hands.

"What do you mean?" I wanted to know more.

"Remember when that kid got the bloody nose at the dojo and you stayed longer to help?" She brought pictures of that day back.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Well when he came back with the ice and he walked over Miguel and I and he wouldn't stop staring at you, it was like he was in some sort of day dream. Then he started talking. He was like she is so caring, she would be a great mother to our kids. Miguel had asked what he meant about the our kids part. He turned to Miguel and was like I love her. I haven't felt this way about anyone in this world, and one day I hope to make her mine and marry her when we are older and have a family of our own. I know she's scared about us being official I can see it, every time you guys say something about us being official she zones out and she looks like she's going to cry. I think it's because she thinks one day I'm going to leave her but you guys I would never leave her, yes we may get into some fights but I love her too much to even let her go." Tory explained the story.

"He really said that?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Madilyn, he loves you so please tell him what's wrong even though he knows already. He just wants to be there for you and look I know you're scared he's going to leave you but both of you are taking the risk of heartbreak. You two are made for each other and please go talk to him." She looked over at the soccer field where Hawk was.

"Ok, thanks Tory." I hugged her.

"Anytime." She hugged me back.

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