Chapter 21

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"What are you wearing?" I asked.

"Since we are going to go swimming later I'm just going to put on a pair of shorts and then my bikini top." She took out her clothes from her duffel bag.

"I'm gonna wear the same thing. I want to wear black shorts, but I need you to help me with what bikini I should wear." I walked to my bikini drawer.

"I think you should either wear a navy blue, or a red one. Those colors look really good on you." She stripped her top.

"Ok, I have this navy blue one, and then I have this red one." I held up the bikinis." They were simple bikini's nothing special to them.

"Try them on and then let me see." Tory had me tie her top.

I walked into the bathroom and walked out with the red one on.

"I really like that one, but let me see the navy blue one." She shooed my back into the bathroom.

I changed and came back out with the navy blue bikini.

"That one looks super good on you too but since you're wearing black shorts I suggest you go with the red one." Tory threw me my black shorts.

"Ok, thank you." I went back into the bathroom.

I changed and put on the bikini bottoms then the shorts and then I had to call Tory in to tie my top.

"You look so good." Tory looked at our reflection in the mirror.

"We look good." I enficized the "we".

"Alright let's go I can hear people starting to come in and the boys are probably wondering where we are." Tory grabbed my hand and rushed me down the stairs and out to the back.

"We're here bitches." Tory shouted.

Everyone cheered. There was a whole bunch of people already here.

"Hey, babe." Miguel kissed Tory.

"Hey, you." She kissed him back.

"Where's Hawk?" I asked.

"Inside getting a drink." Miguel pointed inside.

I nodded and headed back inside. I walked inside and Hawk was at the table getting a drink and getting snacks too.

"Holy shit." Hawk saw me and choked on his drink.

"You ok?" I ran to him and patted his back.

"Yeah, just you look really hot." He looked at me again.

"Jesus you scared me." I laughed.

"Come here." He grabbed my waist and pulled me in close.

"You look very good without a shirt." I smirked.

"As do you." He kissed me.

"What are you having?" I asked.

"Some punch mixed with vodka." He handed me the cup.

I took a sip. "I like it." I handed him his cup back.

"I'll make you on." He handed me back his cup and then quickly made me one and then handed it to me.

"Thanks." I handed him his cup and kissed him.

"Wanna go swimming?" He took a sip of his drink.

I chugged my drink.

"Ok, now I am." I took his hand and went outside.

"You go first." I pushed him forward.

He went to the diving board and did a backflip into the pool.

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