Chapter 4

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I had ended up putting on one of those things where you clip it around yourself and put the baby inside. I had to take off my scrub top so he could feel my touch. I put on the carrier because I needed to help get the incubators ready for all the new babies, and make more bottles. It was about 1:30 now and Michael was asleep. I chose an incubator right next to Michael to put the new baby in. I laid a pink blanket down on the mattress part. I grabbed a binky with a clip on it that had some cute little pink hearts on it and placed it in the incubator. I turned it on so it could start getting warm for her. I was all prepared for the new baby. It was now 1:55 and I had to go get the new baby from the delivery room. I took Mikey out of the carrier and placed him in his incubator. I took off the thing and put it away. I gave Michael the little nickname of Mikey because his name was long. I made sure he had his binky and was wrapped with his blanket. I pulled over my scrub top and rolled the prepared incubator out of the room. I looked at the office number where the new baby was and I went there. They were on the 4th floor in room 330, so I got in the elevator and went to their room. I knocked on the door and then went in. The mom was holding her new baby and the doctor was explaining to her that I was going to take her new baby to the nursery for monitoring while she got some rest and if the dad wanted he could follow me and watch the baby from outside the window.

"Hi, I'm Madilyn, I will be taking care of your baby for a little while." I smiled sweetly at the mom.

"That's funny, her name is Maddison." The mom smiled at me.

"That's very pretty." I smiled.

"Alright, baby, momma will see you later." She kissed the top of her baby's head.

I opened the door to the incubator and the mom handed the baby to me, I placed the baby in the incubator and let mom know I would bring her back later on.

The mom was super sweet and so was the dad.

"Alright, dad if you want to follow me you can." I smiled.

The dad said he would be by later he wanted to stay with his wife a little longer. I nodded and walked out. I took the new baby and rolled her to the nursery. Of course, everyone wanted to see her, it was like our thing to see all the new babies that came in whether we were assigned to them or not. I opened the door to the other room and put her right next to Mikey. I opened Maddison's incubator and took her out. I needed to check her vitals and some other stuff. I took her to the table where I was going to weigh her and check all her stuff. I grabbed her clipboard from her incubator and walked back to her. She was still sleeping peacefully so I was gentle when checking all her stuff so I didn't wake her. Everything seemed to be good besides the point she was premature. I wrote down all her stuff and updated it. I then took her back to her incubator and placed her back in it. Right as I closed her door Mikey started crying. I went over to his side and picked him up.

"Good morning buddy." I smiled.

He noticed it was me and stopped crying.

"You must be hungry, let's get you a bottle." I walked to the bottle warmer.

I grabbed him a bottle and fed it to him. He drank the whole thing and fell asleep. After he fell asleep I placed him back into his incubator and Maddison woke up. I took her out and we had her mom's milk so I warmed it up for her and gave it to her. She only drank half but she fell asleep, I placed her back in her incubator. I then grabbed the two bottles and took them to the sink. I cleaned, dried, and put them away.

Mikey ended up waking up again and he started crying. I slid off the top of my scrub again grabbed the carrier from the cabinet and put it on. I then grabbed Mikey and placed him in it making sure our skin was touching. I walked around and cleaned everything, picking stuff up and putting away some other stuff while the other nurses were busy with their babies. Mikey didn't fall back asleep but he just sucked on his binky and laid on my chest. It was now my lunchtime and I needed to put Mikey to sleep so I could eat lunch. I changed his diaper and gave him a fresh bottle, he fell asleep after drinking half his bottle so I laid him back down. I changed Maddison and fed her another bottle before I left.

"Hey, Clare I'm going to my lunch. If Michael or Maddison wakes us just page me." I grabbed my lunch.

"Ok, have a good lunch." She smiled.

I walked to the cafeteria and found Eli. He was sitting at our usual table in the corner.

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