Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning and Eli wasn't next to me. I looked in the bathroom but he wasn't there. I went downstairs and he was dancing to one direction in the kitchen making breakfast. I watched as he danced and sang quietly still thinking I was asleep.

"Whatcha doing?" I laughed.

He turned around shocked and stared at me.

"Making breakfast." He laughed.

"And dancing to one direction." I walked into the kitchen.

"I like them." He laughed.

"I can see that." I kissed him.

"Wanna dance?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Not right now." I went to sit down.

He grabbed my waist, pulled me back, and spun me around. He made me laugh, we danced around the kitchen for 10 minutes straight just laughing and smiling. We finally got tired and sat down.

"That was a workout." I breathed deeply.

"You got that right." He tried to catch his breath.

We caught our breath finally and settled down. Eli got up and served us breakfast.

"So, how was work last night?" Eli sipped his drink.

"It was good, there was this new baby last night and it wouldn't stop crying. Usually, then don't cry but he cried and cried." I started.

"What was his name?" He asked.

"The mom named him Michael." I loved that name.

"How come he was premature?" He took a bite of his food.

"The mom was a drug addict so she gave birth a month early and he got taken away from her." It was a sad thing.

"So, how long is he going to stay?" He took another bite.

"Well, we are going to get him healthy for the next couple of months and then he will be going to a foster family." I took a drink of my drink.

"What does he look like?" He loved learning about the babies.

"He is adorable, he is African American and he has the cutest curly hair. He has these beautiful dark brown eyes and the longest eyelashes." I brought up the image of him.

"How was his first night?" He smiled at the thought of the baby.

"Well, it started out rough, Amy was assigned to him but he wouldn't sleep, or eat with her. He would cry and cry with her. So she finally put him back in the incubator and went on her lunch. I was the only one in there and all the babies were asleep and I didn't want him to wake them up to I wrapped him in a blue cozy blanket and picked him up. I held him but he kept crying, so I thought to myself what if I did skin-to-skin contact. Some babies like it so I unwrapped him, sat down on one of the rockers, and placed him at the top of my chest where my skin showed. When his head touched my skin he stopped crying snuggled into my chest and fell asleep." I loved this new baby.

"He liked you, but what happened when Amy came back?" He was dedicated to the story.

"When she came back she noticed I put him to sleep and got him to eat after his nap. So she asked Brittney who is in charge of our unit and asked if he could be assigned to me instead of her and she would take this other baby named Bella. Brittney said yes so now when I go back in tonight he's mine for the night." I smiled.

"That's great, do you mind if I stop by and meet him on my 20-minute break?" He loved to come in and meet the babies.

"Sure, I don't see why not." I finished my breakfast.

"Yes." He was excited.

"Brittney is thinking about putting certain people in the nursery and certain people in the delivery rooms. And for the people that will be in the nursery, will be assigned just one baby during their shift. Then there are going to be the lower nurses that will be going around with supplies so they will be both in the nursery and delivering to the delivery rooms." I was hoping she would do this.

"I think that's a good idea, it makes things work smoother and the babies get individual attention." He took his plate to the sink.

"That's what I was thinking." I gave my plate to Eli.

"So, what do we have to do today?" He finished cleaning the dishes.

"I think we just have to go to the store and then we can come home and sleep before our shift." I grabbed a paper and pen.

"Good, because I'm tired." He laughed.

"You're always tired." I laughed.

"So are you." He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Alright now, what do we need from the store?" I asked.

"Eggs, protein powder, turkey, salad mix, milk, and some Eggo waffles." He looked in the fridge.

"Got it." I wrote everything down.

"I don't wanna get dressed so I am going like this." He laughed.

"Me either." I grabbed the list.

I had spandex and a big t-shirt, with my hair in a bun. Eli had his pajama pants on, a shirt, and his hair was all shaggy. He kept his hair long, he just never dyed it again after senior year.

"Alright then let's go." I grabbed my keys.

"Yes ma'am." He put on his shoes.

I laughed at him and I drove us to the store. We got down and walked in. I always liked pushing the shopping cart so I grabbed a cart. Eli was in charge of the list and grabbing everything. We went down each aisle and grabbed the things we needed. Eli of course didn't stick to the list completely he grabbed cookies, ice cream, and spicy roman noodles.

After we got everything we paid and drove home. We got home, unpacked everything, and went to our room. We laid down, and I set my alarm so we could get up for our shift which started at 8. We fell asleep in each other's arms and slept peacefully.

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