CHAP.1 - Ordinary day

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One more basic day in Jisungs life was just beginning. He woke up to his phone ringing when his mother called from another country just to wake him up. Everyone called him the sleepiest person they've ever met, so it made sense that his mother was worried he might not wake up. Jisung was currently living with his younger brother and his father. His mother was in Malaysia doing some researches and wasn't able to live with them. It had been like that for years already. Jisung thought he didn't basically know his mother anymore even though they spoke at least three times a week.

However, Jisung was kinda nervous to go back to school again so he hadn't slept well for days. Winter brake had just ended and they should've done tons of homework during the break but Jisung hadn't done anything. It was a rare sight seeing him do something like homework since he was able to concentrate on one thing for like fifteen minutes at a time. He had not ever been that good at school but he managed himself and got average grades.

"Jisung! Come downstairs." His father yelled. Jisung got up and chose a white loose hoodie to go with black sweatpants. After brushing his teeth he went downstairs and saw his father with a worried smile on his face. "Morning." Jisung mumbled while sitting on the kitchen chair. "I have something to tell you after Jeongin comes downstairs." his father said. Jisung got immediately anxious since he hated scolding and arguing. After a few minutes Jeongin came downstairs and their father sat down and cleared his throat. "Boys, I've got to come clear about this situation with you now. Like you now your mother has been living in Malaysia for five years now and this time has been hard for our relationship. She has missed us and we have missed her more than is healthy. We've come to the conclusion that she should move back with us, since we don't want you guys to change schools or anything. How do you feel about this?" "AWESOME! MOM IS COMING BACK!" Jeongin yelled excitedly. Jisung stayed quiet for the longest time because he wasn't sure how he should feel about this. "I'm glad she's coming back but how about her work there?" Jisung finally asked. "She'll stop working there and get a clean office job right here." his father answered and poured coffee to a cup with a elephant picture in it.

Jisung jumped on his bike and left for school after packing his backpack and putting shoes on. His route to school took about 15min and he loved those moments of the day when he was riding and listening to the music he loves. At school he noticed Felix and Seungmin talking on the front door so he went up to them and they went to class together. They had english on their first period and math after that.

School day went by fast and Jisung hated every moment of it. He wasn't really a fan of school since he had so much more interesting things he could've been doing. He loved making music, watching anime and dramas and his love for eating well was also a big part of his identity. After school he invited Changbin and Felix to their house and they watched a movie together before they had to leave. It was getting kinda late and Jisung put some music on and just chilled on his bed listening to it. His thought were running in circles and he thought how weird it would be when his mother got back home. Would she even feel like a family member after such a long time?


Minho had been living with his grandparents for the past four years. Now was the first day he was living on his own with three cats and tomorrow he would start at a new school. He had been switching schools many times in the past but this time was different. This was the last possible school in the area of Seoul and things would get problematic if he should change school again.

Gladly Minho is a pretty extrovert person so getting to know people wouldn't be a problem. He also knew one of the students already so it would be even easier. School had always been easy for him and he was always more advanced than others in his classes. But it was fine, since he was already doing alright he was able to concentrate on different things.

While unpacking his things the apartment started to feel like a home. He placed his few plants on the windowsill. Light pink carpet on the floor brought warmness to the living room and a big and soft grey sofa was a safe place to curl up under a blanket. The cat scratching post in the corner had already attracted the cats to play.

Minho took a minute and sat down on the sofa. He called the cats and all of them came to get some scratches. They sat on the sofa for almost half an hour when Minho got hungry and decided to order some food. He ordered tteokbokki and while it was being delivered he unpacked the last of his things and packed his backpack for the next day.

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