CHAP. 9 - Weird behavior

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Jisung had tried to contact him for days now. Every time he had answered that he didn't have time. It wasn't a complete lie but it wasn't true either. After the first text, he had gotten many more. Now whenever his phone buzzed, he got kind of anxious. People had asked him many times during the last week if he was okay. He had answered to everyone that he was just fine. That was a lie. Sleeping had been difficult and he had barely eaten. Chan was the one who was really worried for him. It wasn't normal for Minho to act like that. Even during this hard time, he was nice to everyone. As if it was his most important mission in life to keep everyone satisfied with his actions. 


He had tried messaging Minho so many times since he wanted to share all the information he had gotten out of his father. They had also made a deal that after two weeks of research they would start putting the project together. It had now been three and a half weeks already. Normally Jisung wasn't that interested in school work but this assignment would make up his whole number and it was important. He wanted to get to a good school after High School. 

"I tried again and he just says he doesn't have time. Like, it doesn't even make sense. I overheard Chan talking with Bambam and Yugyeom and he said they hadn't hanged out for almost a week now." Jisung ranted for Changbin since Seungmin and Felix were at the cafeteria getting coffee.  Changbin nodded and then said: "Yep, that's right I heard that too. Maybe something is going on with him. Don't be so hasty. Give him a week and if he doesn't do anything before it ends you can just go to his place and sort this out." Jisung knew Changbin was right. A week was just too long time so he decided to give him four days. 

Since working on the science project wasn't possible before Minho gave up, Jisung had to come up with something else to do. "Hey Hyunjin, would you like to go out and eat tonight?" he asked suddenly before a class started. Hyunjin seemed flustered for a second but then nodded and said: "Oh yeah, gladly. Right after school?" Jisung agreed and felt proud of himself. Even though they had been chatting a lot more lately and even kept messaging each other it felt weird. Their little breaking-off had been going on for such a long time. 

After school ended Jisung waited for Hyunjin to get ready before leaving the class. "So, where are we going?" Hyunjin asked while smiling widely. "You can decide and I'll be offering." Jisung answered. Hyunjin didn't know where he would like to go so they decided together to get some sushi. Jisung knew a good sushi place downtown so they went there and ordered a huge plate full of different types of sushis. They were eating in silence and just enjoying the food. Hyunjin stared at Jisung for a while and then asked: "Why did you invite me?" Jisung wasn't waiting for a question like that because he thought his motives were clear. "This is a thank you for the last week. And I also wanted to know you better since we haven't really talked before." he answered after eating the sushi piece in his mouth. "Oh really, I thought you were really shy. That's why this surprised me so much." Hyunjin wondered. 

They kept eating the huge plate of sushi and talking about this and that. Jisung felt very comfortable so he decided to share something personal with Hyunjin. "So, my mom just came back after being in Malaysia for years. I talked with my father recently and he didn't seem too happy about that. Things have been very weird at home ever since she came back." he shared. "That sounds uncomfortable. Maybe your father isn't just used to her being around again. Imagine if you were married and then your partner just live in another country for years and you barely saw each other." Hyunjin tried to comfort him. "I know that and it makes sense that it's weird. The problem is that I remember mom and dad being really close when I was little. They hugged and kissed each other all the time. Now they barely touch each other." Jisung continued. Hyunjin seemed to be wondering something. After a while, he said: "You are right. That doesn't sound normal. Just try to stay positive, maybe they're just learning to know each other again. And even if something happens between them, it's not your fault."

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