CHAP. 29 - First date

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It had been a while since the funeral and all the stuff that had happened between Minho and Jisung. They had been hanging out a lot and Jisung had slept over at Minho's place quite often. They still hadn't put any label on their relationship but they both knew they'd be together for a while. There was no hurrying in there because it wasn't needed. However, Minho had made another step a few days ago and asked Jisung on a proper date. It would be their first meeting that was labeled as a date. Obviously, Jisung had said yes happily and both of them were very excited about the date. 

Yes, Minho was excited but he was also extremely nervous. This was his first date ever and even though he felt very comfortable around Jisung this felt too official for him. He had planned everything nice for them to do and he was preparing for the date. They were going for a picnic in a nearby park, then walk around the city and do some shopping and lastly Minho had decided that they'd come to his place and watch a movie together. Choosing the outfit felt extremely hard because he wanted to look casual but also good. Finally, he chose an army green bomber jacket, a white t-shirt, and black ripped jeans. All of this he topped with black converse and a chain on his neck. Looking at the mirror he saw a handsome young man. 

When he had packed all of the food they'd need on the picnic he realized it was already time to leave for the park. It took only about ten minutes for him to walk there and he saw Jisung already standing on the edge of the park. Jisung was wearing his green Nike hoodie, light blue ripped jeans, and platformed converses. But the best thing about Jisung's outfit was his big bright smile which showed on his face when he saw Minho. 

Minho walked up to Jisung and hugged him tightly. "Here," Jisung said while giving Minho the cutest little package. "What is this?" Minho asked. "See for yourself, once we're sitting," he answered while smiling. They set up the blanket to sit on and spread all the food from the backpack that Minho had packed earlier. Then they sat down and Minho was eager to open the little package. There was the cutest little silvery bracelet that had a little picture of a cat in it. "Do you like it?" Jisung asked quickly. Minho grabbed his hand and said: "I absolutely love it." Jisung blushed a bit and showed his other arm. He had a similar bracelet on his wrist but it had a squirrel in it. "I had one myself too, now we can be matching while wearing these," Jisung explained. Minho loved the idea and put the bracelet immediately to his wrist. The silver really complimented his skin tone and it looked so good on him. 

There were strawberries, sandwiches, and a cheesecake on the blanket. Minho had bought everything he knew Jisung would love. He had even made the sandwiches from the scratch. Sitting and eating there they had a lot of fun.  While being with each other they were the happiest. After they had been in the park for almost two hours and eaten everything they had bought they left downtown to do some shopping. Playing around in the shops and picking some clothes for each other they had such a fun time. They were also kicked out of a more expensive store since they were being too loud and it was obvious they weren't going to buy anything at all. For snacks, they visited a nearby grocery store and picked some of each other's favourites, so they could eat them while watching the movie. 

After being in the stores for hours they were exhausted and decided to take a bus to go back to Minho's place. Jisung had already told his grandmom that he wouldn't come home for the night so it was okay that it was already late. On the bus, they tried to decide on what to watch. After bickering for a while on whether to watch a romantic comedy or action movie they realized that was the dumbest argument ever. They could just watch an anime movie since both of them loved anime. 

At Minho's place, they opened their cokes and sat down on the sofa. Minho turned on the television and decided quickly on what anime movie they should watch. After that, he took a nicer posture and snuggled himself onto Jisung. For a long time, they were just silently watching the movie and eating the snacks. There was no need to speak. Once in a while, Minho felt when Jisung's lips pecked his head and every time he felt that it made him smile. When the movie was almost over Jisung opened his mouth and asked: "Would you like to come for dinner at my place tomorrow? My grandmom would like to meet you since I spent so much time here." Minho was shocked about this. That would be the first time Minho visited Jisung's place and it felt like a really big step for their relationship. "Oh, really? Of course, I'd love to come. Does she think I'm just your friend or what?" Minho accepted the offer and wanted to clear some things up. Minho knew Jisung hadn't actually come out so he didn't want to make things uncomfortable for him. "Oh yeah, she thinks we're just friends. I swear I'll tell her sooner than later, I just think it's better if he first met you. Is it okay for you?" Jisung asked since he didn't want to make Minho uncomfortable. The last thing he would want to do was to lose Minho because of something stupid like this. "No worries baby. You tell when you're ready," Minho reassured Jisung and cupped his face in his hands, and gave him the softest kiss. 

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