CHAP. 28 - Goodbye

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He saw how Minho basically paralyzed when his mother walked in front of him. Jisung didn't know how he was supposed to act but he was sure that Minho didn't want his mother to be there. In fact, she didn't deserve to even talk to Minho. Jisung walks nearer and just stood there for a minute. 

Minho's mother started yelling immediately when she saw Minho lying on the sofa: "Oh here you are on your nice sofa and nice apartment when your mother has nothing. I heard you got your fathers' old watch. Do you even know how much it's worth? It belongs to me. I was your fathers' husband and basically, everything he ever owned belongs to me now. Your bitch of a grandmother didn't realize that and took the watch. Give it to me immediately." Jisung stood still and watched Minho. He wanted to see if he was able to defend himself. 

"No, I won't give it to you. It was my grandpa's then my dad's and now mine. Please, leave," Minho answered with a weak shivering voice. "OH, you say I should leave this mansion you're living in. Should I leave you two alone so that you could continue with your gay actions with each other. Do you even know Minho how big of a disappointment you are to me? Normally you should take care of your parents but you haven't given me anything," she yelled angrily. 

This was the moment Jisung couldn't listen to it anymore. No one should speak like that to their children and Minho shouldn't have to hear things like this. He was way too sweet and sensitive for this. Normally in this kind of situation Jisung would've backed off and probably left the whole place. Now he didn't even think of it. He walked in front of Minhos' mom and said: "You know what, he isn't in any debt for you. You ruined his childhood and made him go through a whole ton of shit. He isn't responsible for you. Minho is the most genuine person I've ever met and he isn't a disappointment to anyone, who really knows him. So now, leave this apartment before I call the cops." 


He was on the brink of tears and all the words his mother has said went under his skin. Now, that he saw Jisung stepping up it gave him a whole lot of courage. His mother had gone pale when Jisung had said everything to her. "Okay, I'll be going. But know that you're no longer my son," his mother said and started walking towards the door. Then Minho gathered all of his courage and said with a strong voice: "I haven't been your son in years." Then the door closed behind his mother and Minho was left staring at the door. 

Jisung almost ran up to him and hugged him. "Are you okay?" he asked in almost a panic. Minho didn't answer for a while. He was just enjoying the fact that his mother was gone and Jisung was hugging him. "I asked, are you okay?" Jisung asked again taking Minhos' head between his hands. "In fact, yeah I am. Now I feel like most of all the troubles are behind me. It's easier to breathe. Thank you for being here for me," Minho answered and was about to continue when Jisung interrupted saying: "Stop thanking me for everything. I know you would've done the same thing for me if it was necessary."

"No, you must listen to me now. Do you know what I said on my grandmothers' grave today?" he asked and once Jisung quietly shook his head he continued: "I thanked her for keeping me alive and told her I have someone new I can rely on. And the new person is you. I feel like there won't ever be good timing for this and I just want to tell you that I like you. Like really like you. It's easier to breathe when you're next to me, I'm immediately happier when I see you and your smile makes my heart flutter insanely. Please, tell me that you have similar feelings? I don't want to ruin our friendship."


At that moment there were a few tears in Jisung's eyes but they were tears of happiness. This was exactly what he had wanted. There were no proper words for him to describe the feelings he had for Minho so he slowly lifted his hand back on Minhos' cheek and pulled him closer to himself. Then he kissed him for the first time. It felt like all the stars in the sky had exploded at the same time. His skin was tingling and his heart was at his throat. Both of them were crying and their tears blended together on their cheeks. Their kisses started to taste salty because of all the tears. 

After a short moment which felt like an eternity, they backed off from each other and stared right into each others' eyes. At that moment both of them started laughing since they looked like complete wrecks. They were still wearing their suits but their faces were red and puffy due to all the crying. Jisung hopped right next to Minho and pulled him in for cuddling. It was the most beautiful and peaceful moment in both of their lives for a while.  

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