CHAP.39 - Stressed out

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It was the last day before the presentation about their science project. The semester was almost over and the summer break would be more than needed since he was really tired from everything that had happened in the last few months. Minho had come over to his place to make some last-minute work on the science project. Some of their slides for the presentation still needed work and they had to agree on which one of them presented what. Gladly, almost everything was done and they were on the same page about the presentation. Most of the time they spent just laughing and making some stupid jokes about the subjects in their slides. 

Jisung was extremely stressed about the presentation because he hated being in front of the class speaking. It wasn't his strong area and it made him anxious even though he knew way too much about their subject. Even some sudden questions wouldn't be a problem because he was basically prepared for anything. Minho on the other hand was as relaxed as a person could be. He loved being in the center of so said good attention and the little stress it gave to him was stimulating to him. Because he had nothing to worry about he tried his best to comfort Jisung and make him feel better about the whole presentation.

Mostly his tactic was just trying to take Jisung's thought away from the subject completely. Most of the time that worked perfectly because his method was kissing him. They also played some games in the spare time and Minho tried to come up with the most random topics to talk about. For example, they talked about how they thought they'd die, what was the meaning of life and if they could meet 5 celebrities on a dinner date who they'd be and why. Obviously, even after all of this Jisung was anxious but it wasn't as bad as it could be. Normally before this kind of presentation, he was unable to do anything. 

"Hey, food is ready lovebirds," Jeongin came to tell them. Jisung showed his tongue to Jeongin and ran after him downstairs. Minho came behind them quite peacefully laughing out loud. "Oh come on boys calm down," Mrs. Moon said as soon as they reached the dining room. She had grilled some pork and cooked some ramen to go with it. Obviously, there were also kimchi and other side dishes on the table. "I thought you boys could something you liked because you have the presentation tomorrow. Eating well keeps the stress away. My father always thought me that," she said to the boys and started handing the food to the boys. 


After eating he had to leave because his cats needed some of his attention. "Try to sleep well and I'll see you tomorrow in school," Minho said to Jisung and kissed him quickly. "I'll try to do that, thanks for keeping my thought away for a while at least," Jisung answered and winked his eye at Minho. 

Spending time with Jisung's family was always such a weird experience to him. To be surrounded by so many warm people and feel the love they had for each other was just amazing. Minho always appreciated every moment he spent with them because it made him feel like he had a whole family. That was a feeling he hadn't really felt after being a little child at those memories had started to fade slowly in his head. 

Because they had thought about having a little picnic the next day after surviving the presentation he decided to send Chan a message to see if he was coming. Chan answered fast as usual and said he would be there. They had invited a lot of people and that should definitely be fun because no one had any tests or anything too important after tomorrow before their summer break. It was the first time in a long time since Minho had any proper plans for summer. He had gotten a job at a café near his house and most of the time he would be with Jisung. Jisung's parents had also been kind enough to buy both of them plane tickets to Malaysia. Minho had never been there so traveling should be fun and getting to know Jisung's family more thoroughly was important to him. 

Once he got home the cats came straight to him because they wanted something to eat already. He quickly threw his backpack in the corner and feed his cats and petted them for a long time. Then he took a quick shower and the rest of the night he spent chatting with Jisung and watching some random Korean drama that came from the television. 


After Minho left he played with Jeongin on the Nintendo Switch. Having some time between siblings had been hard lately because both of them were dating and it wasn't the easiest thing to find a moment they were both at home. "God, I didn't even remember how bad you were at this game," Jisung teased Jeongin after winning a round. "Nah, you just got lucky. You know damn well I'm better than you," Jeongin said back and played the next round even more seriously. Their grandmother was watching them from the doorway and smiling widely. He loved seeing his grandchildren being together and having the time of their lives. 

When Jeongin left to see his girlfriends Jisung went to his room to clean up a little bit. He cleaned his drawers that had been a mess for months. While doing that he also chatted with Minho because they clearly weren't able to go a day without each other. 

It was about 11 PM when Jisung started to get ready for bed and heard a faint knock from his door. "Come in," he said. His grandmom came to his room with a little package. "Hey Jisungie, I have something for you," she said while sitting down on the edge of his bed, "this is something your granddad had always with him. It brought him safety even in the most unexpected events and the one time he didn't have it with him ended up being the last time he would've been able to wear it. He was a lot like you. Very charming and talkative around people he knew well but sometimes he got very shy when there were new people present. Love to music was also as strong as yours but he never even tried to make his dreams come true because everyone always talked down on him." Mrs. Moon handed the box to Jisung who opened it immediately. It was a beautiful old silvery watch. Jisung put it into his hand and showed it to Mrs. Moon. "Do you really think I could wear it? This looks like it's expensive? And shouldn't dad get this?" Jisung asked worriedly. Mrs. Moon smiled and shook her head: "Yes you can, I know you can take care of it well and it's meant to be worn not kept in a dark closet. Basically, it should've been your father's but he is nothing like your grandfather. He is way too extroverted and all in all his personality doesn't match the watch. However, your personality matches it perfectly. Now wear it proudly and go to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day."

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