CHAP. 30 - Dinner

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After they had slept well through the night they had to go to school. They had a whole day of classes but it was fine since they had nice subjects like geography and history. Those things were interesting and sitting next to Minho didn't make those classes any worse. In fact, they were like little kids and barely paid any attention to the class, since they were too deep into their own world. Minho was kind of anxious about meeting Jisung's grandmom so Jisung was trying to calm him down throughout the day. 

"So how are things going between you and Minho?" Felix asked Jisung while they were walking towards the cafeteria. Minho was far behind them since he was talking with Chan about something. Jisung giggled like a little girl before answering: "It's going really well. The date yesterday was like a dream come true and we had so much fun together. Also, he'll be coming for dinner at our house tonight." Felix smiled at him widely. "I'm so happy for you. Have you told your grandmom what you guys mean to each other?" he asked. "Nope, not yet. I'll tell her soon but I just want her to meet Minho first. And we talked about this yesterday with Minho and it's okay with him. He understands the situation," Jisung answered. Felix just looked genuinely happy and hugged Jisung quickly. Jisung hadn't been too happy before all of this and the difference in him was clear. 

The school day went by fastly and then Jisung and Minho left towards Jisung's house. They saw Hyunjin and Daehwi and talked with them for a while in the parking lot. Because Jisung had gone to the park by bus, they decided to walk to Jisung's place. They talked a lot on their way and played around. Minho was nervous but Jisung was too. He knew his grandmom would love Minho and not think too much about it made him anxious. It took them quite long to get to Jisungs house. "Okay, let's do this," Jisung said before opening their front door. 

"Welcome!" Mrs. Moon shouted from the kitchen and invited them there. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Moon," Minho greeted her politely, "how have you been?". Jisungs grandmom smiled prettily and said: "Aren't you a polite young man. Thanks for asking, I'm doing really well. What about you boys? What did you do yesterday? How was school today?" Jisung blushed a bit thinking about last night since they had such a nice time together. "We had a picnic and went shopping after that. We also watched a movie and slept early. School was fun we had only nice subjects and everyone was in a good mood," he answered after gathering his thoughts. Minho just glanced at him and nodded. "That sounds so nice, now Minho would you go and get Jeongin while Jisung can help me set up the table," Mrs. Moon suggested and the boys started acting.


He had quickly asked Jisung where Jeongins room was and then left to get him. There were lots of family pictures on the walls and Minho took a  minute to just look at them. Most of them were Jeongin and Jisung as a baby, but things like their parents' wedding photo, photos of Jisung and Felix at school, and a few cute photos were the whole family. Sadly, there were also pictures without their mother since she had been in Malaysia. Jisung looked extremely cute in the baby photos. Minho smiled like an idiot watching baby Jisung laying on the floor between his cousins. 

Once he finally got himself upstairs he tried to remember which door was supposed to be Jeongin's. Jisung had said it was the second door to the left. He gently knocked on the door and heard Jeongin saying: "Come inside." Minho opened the door and saw Jeongin playing something on the computer. "Hey, your grandmom asked me to come and get you for dinner. It's almost ready," Minho told Jeongin. "Oh hey, it's you! I thought you were Jisung. I'll come in a second. How are you doing?" Jeongin answered and sounded genuinely surprised that Minho was in his room. "I'm great, to be honest. What about you?" Minho answered. Jeongin nodded and started smiling widely: "I'm doing well too! And I'd like to say to you that I'm happy you're spending time with Jisung. He seems so much happier these days." Minho had heard that many times by now and it made him extremely happy. Spending time with Jisung just made him happier and if Jisung was happier than before both of them were gaining something good from this. "I'm glad he's doing better. His company makes me feel happier too," Minho said and left downstairs. 

Once he sat down at the table Jeongin could be heard walking in the stairs. Once he sat down on the table Mrs. Moon said: "Okay, we can start eating now. I've made japchae, tteokguk, galbijjim, kimchi mandu, and a load of side dishes. Hope you enjoy it!" "Wow, this looks delicious Mrs. Moon," Minho complimented the food and took some of the japchae on his plates since Mrs. Moon had already taken some food for herself. They talked about this and that while eating their delicious dinner. Everyone laughed once in a while and Minho didn't feel awkward at all anymore. Jisungs family was very welcoming. 

After they had eaten Jisung and Minho helped Mrs. Moon clean up and after that, they went to Jisung's room. "You know I'll have to go soon to feed my cats," Minho said while sitting down on Jisung's bed. "Of course I know that, I just wanted to thank you for coming here today," Jisung answered and kissed Minho. Minho kissed him back and placed his hand on Jisungs back. After they had kissed a few times Minho said: "You were a really cute baby." Jisung laughed while saying: "Don't you think I'm cute now?" "Of course you're cute now, even cuter than as a baby. But more than that you're handsome," Minho answered smoothly. Both of them were extremely happy and in a good mood when Minho finally said that he should actually go home now. "Okay, we'll see tomorrow right?" Jisung asked. "Well we have school so obviously we'll see," Minho answered while grinning. 

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