CHAP. 18 - Opening up

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Seeing Jisung made him feel angry and relieved at the same time. At least someone cared about him and wanted to know what was going on. He just didn't want to seem weak but that was exactly how he felt at that moment. The sun was shining outside and it hurt his eyes when he opened the door for Jisung. Minho had absolutely nothing to say and he saw the worry in Jisung's eyes. When he hugged Minho a wave of emotions ran through him. Finally, all the tears were able to run from his eyes. They hugged for a while in the doorway before they went inside and sat on the sofa. Jisung was still caressing Minho's hair and hugging him. When Minho's crying was about to end Jisung asked in the softest possible voice: "What's wrong?". Because of that Minho started sobbing yet again. No one had cared about him so much in years and he was so thankful for it. 

Suddenly Minho welt exhausted. He hadn't slept properly for days and he had no energy left in his body. While his head was still leaning on Jisung he felt his eyelids becoming heavy and he fell asleep faster than ever. He had not been able to say even one word the whole time. 


Jisung had sat tightly the whole time and just waited for Minho to talk or fall asleep. When he heard that his breathing got heavier he left out a deep sigh and whispered: "Sleep well. You seem like you need it." There was just one problem. He was supposed to be home in less than an hour but it wasn't going to happen. He would stay there just as long as was needed. Quickly he put his phone on mute and send a quick message for Jeongin. "Hey bro, this will take longer than I expected. Say to father that I'll explain everything once I get home. But I'm safe so you have nothing to worry about." he wrote. Jeongin answered with a questioning emoji but it was a sign that he had done what he asked for. Jisung started to feel exhausted too. His hand was still slowly stroking Minho's hair and he slowly put it down on his shoulder. 

He had no idea what had happened to Minho. Clearly, he had gone through something pretty bad and Jisung wanted to be there for him. Minho had earlier told him that he barely trusted anyone and had nobody to talk to. Jisung was going to be that person since he wanted to. It didn't feel like a burden he just felt connected to Minho and wanted to help him solve his problems in the best possible way. 

Jisung stayed awake for a pretty long time and he had time to think about stuff. He had been on an emotional rollercoaster lately because of his family situation and just basically everything. Future didn't seem too sure anymore and he wasn't even sure what he wanted. After a couple of hours, Jisung finally fell asleep too. His head rested on Minho's. 

Minho was clearly in a very deep sleep since none of this woke him up. Jisung woke a few times during the night and smiled slightly every time when he realized Minho was still sleeping. He most definitely was in desperate need of rest. Jisung checked his phone every time he woke up and saw tons of unanswered calls and messages from his mother. But the only message that meant something for him was from his father: "Son, thanks for informing me that you are safe. I'll try to keep your mom here and I know you wouldn't do something like this if you didn't have a good reason. Love you." A single tear fell from Jisung's cheek straight to Minho's cheek. 


He felt something dropping on his cheek and he slowly opened his eyes. To his surprise, he realized that Jisung was still there even though it was clearly dark outside already. Jisung's shoulder felt nice under his other cheek and he didn't want to get up. However, he felt like he was ready to talk. Slowly he got up and sat right next to Jisung. "You want chocolate milk?" Jisung asked cautiously. Minho nodded and gave a slight smile when Jisung came back and handed him a carton of his favorite choc milk. "Thank you for staying. I know I must not look too good." Minho started with his voice cracking. "Of course. I know you needed me and I wanted to stay to help you." Jisung answered while shaking his head, "and considering the situation, you look surprisingly good." 

Minho drank some of the choc milk and started to tell Jisung everything. He didn't hide anything about his mother or about his grandmom dying. A couple of times he shed a few tears while talking about everything but it didn't slow him down at all. Jisung asked a few specifying questions but most of the time he just listened. After Minho was ready with telling everything, Jisung hugged him. "I hope you aren't in trouble for being here for so long." Minho apologized once again. "Stop worrying about minor things like that. It was my decision to stay here and I can explain it to my parents tomorrow. But do you realize it's literally 4 AM right now?" Jisung said. "Oh really. I haven't really even known what day it is. I think I should go to school tomorrow." Minho said with a quiet voice. "You can stay home if you want to. I'm sure they'll understand." Jisung suggested. "No. I want to go. Being home alone doesn't do any good for me as you can see. Also, I need to tell Chan. You can stay over the night if you'd like, it's not safe at this hour to leave anywhere." Minho assured, continuing: "But I suggest we'll go and sleep on my bed. Even though you're a magnificent pillow I'd like a real pillow." Jisung didn't think twice before answering: "It's nice to see you are slowly getting more lively. But yeah, I'll stay over." 

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