CHAP.7 - Unexpected help

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After drying away most of his tears Jisung was able to yell: "Get away from here, I don't need you making fun of me right now!" That was everything he was able to say before almost collapsing due to hyperventilating. Strong hands caught him and they pulled him into a tight hug. "Just listen to me breathing and try to breath at the same pace." kind voice adviced him. Jisung started breathing slower and got a grip of himself slowly. It took almost five minutes before he was able to breath normally again. Jisung backed away from the hug and said: "Thank you Hyunjin." Hyunjin smiled back at him slightly and answered: "You're welcome. I saw you leave the class and you seemed to be upset so I thought I should check up on you. Sorry if I was being too intrusive." Shaking his head vigorously Jisung stated that: "It was a good thing. Being here alone would've been worse to be honest. You knew exactly what to do to get me to calm down and I would never be mad about it."


He had noticed Jisung not feeling well during math class and was surprised when Hyunjin went after him. They didn't seem too close and Hyunjin wasn't that considerate person, at least that was what Minho thought after knowing him for a short time. Although he was a little bit worried about Jisung, the most annoying thing about this whole situation was the teacher. How could anyone treat a teenage boy like that? Shouldn't they know how fragile youngsters this age can be. When the class ended Minho walked up to the teacher and said: "Hey teacher, can I ask something?" The teacher then nodded while continuing to pack his bag. "Why would you talk down to Jisung like that in front of the whole class? That doesn't make any sense. He's very fragile young boy and you should be more encouraging adult figure for your students." he then explained with a passive aggressive tone. Their teacher seemed really shook. No one had ever confronted him about his teaching methods and this was just ridiculous. "Well, that's my style of teaching and you know what? There's so many bad things in the world happening that a few rude words shouldn't make anyone feel bad about themselves. Maybe Jisung should just become a man so he could handle these situations." he stated and left the class leaving Minho completely dumbfounded. 

Felix and Seungmin had been in he class during this tense conversation. "You really do have the balls. Well done." Seungmin said to him looking very appreciative. Felix seemed to be wondering something when he too said: "Yeah, well done. Thanks for doing that he totally deserved that. But I'll gotta go and find Jisung now since he didn't seem too good when he left the class."


When he had gathered the last pieces of his dignity he suggested to Hyunjin that they would go for coffee in the cafeteria. They then walked down the hallway together and talked about something meaningless. Exactly what Jisung needed. Talking with Hyunjin was surprisingly fun and they seemed to share a couple of interests. Love for kpop, anime and kdramas brought them together and he couldn't understand why he hadn't come along with Hyunjin before. "Why haven't we discussed any of these things earlier?" Jisung wondered out loud. "At least I have thought you can't stand me, so that's why I have stayed away." Hyunjin answered immediately. Jisung laughed and answered: "That's not completely wrong though. Before you came to our class I used to hang out more with Daehwi and guys but you completely charmed them when you came. Such a stupid thing to be petty about." "OH, I get it. I'd hate if someone took my friends from me." Hyunjin answered while giggling himself.

Felix walked towards them and seemed a little surprised seeing them laughing together. "Hey Jisung, you okay?" he asked worriedly. "Yeah, Hyunjin helped out a lot and it seems like we've more in common than I'd ever thought. Wanna join us for another cup of coffee?" proposed Jisung. Felix walked to the counter and ordered three iced americanos and took them with him to the table. Felix was smiling since he was happy that Hyunjin and Jisung seemed to get along well now. It was a delightful thing for his eyes. 

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