CHAP.3 - Pairing

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The first week in the new school had went with no problems. Living alone didn't feel so bad after all and he had hanged with his new friends quite a lot on free time. Most of the time he had spent with Chan, Daehwi, Yeonjun and Bomin. Everyone of them absolutely loved his cats and Minhos apartment had became like a little dungeon for him and his friends. When he wasn't with his friends he was either studying or dancing. Dancing was his hidden passion and he never told anyone about it. When he was a little kid he went to a dance studio and rehearsed there. Nowadays he just danced at home but he had a big mirror and his skills were good enough so he was able to evaluate his dancing himself.

His new friends had been so far so nice. No one had pressured him to tell anything and they had common interests like video games and similar music taste. Nevertheless hadn't Minho yet been able to really open up. Trouble of trusting people surged up from his past and he knew it would take such a long time until he could learn to trust anyone completely.

While walking to their science lab alone he was just thinking whose partner he would like to be. Mr. Kim was their science teacher and he had said last week that they would start a pair work in science. It would last until summer holidays and it would determine their grade this semester. Doing that kind of a huge school project with a lazy partner would be awful. The problem was that they can't decide the partners themselves. Minho hadn't worked or spent time with most of the people in his class. Daehwi, Bomin and Sanha seemed the most responsible so Minho thought it would be great to partner up with them. However he knew that Seungmin was one of the other kids in the class and he seemed really smart too so he wouldn't a bad partner either.

Arriving to the science lab he realized there wasn't anyone yet. He checked the clock and realized he was almost 20 minuted early. He picked a good place almost in the front of the class and started scribbling on his notebook. After about 10 minutes others started to arrive in the class and Minho put his notebook away and just scrolled through his phone.

Mr. Kim arrived to class and everyone suddenly shut their mouths because all of them were waiting for the pairings. Teacher said he had paired them ready and would just give the instructions first and tell the pairs after that. He explained how they should make something they would be able to present in front of class and also return a long scientific essay. It should be at least 20 pages and include facts and studies. Also use of wide source of information was required. Making that would take ages but it wasn't impossible.

"So, now the part all of you have been waiting. And probably none of you even remember the instructions so I'll hand them to you guys on paper also. You can of course also email me if you have any questions about the assignment. We won't have any face-to-face education before this course ends. However I'll be here at the school during these hours so you can come and ask me in person too." said Mr. Kim while stretching. He was clearly just playing with his students. "Okay, for real this time. The pairs are following: Bomin and Sanha, Daehwi and Felix, Hyunjin and Seungmin, last but not least Jisung and Minho." informed teacher continuing: "And I won't hear any complaining about the pairs."

Minho didn't know how to feel. He didn't know a single thing about this kid. They had never talked and Jisung was quite quiet in class even though Minho could've sweared Jisung was always talking something when he was with his friends.


Jisung got immediately anxious. He didn't know Minho and he felt uncomfortable around new people. Paralyzed would be a great word to describe what Jisung looked like when Minho walked to him. "Hey, I guess we haven't really talked yet. I'm Minho, which you probably already knew. I thought if we could meet up after school some day and look this through so we would know what we'll have to do. Maybe we could meet at your place?" started Minho politely. "I-i-m Jisung." Jisung answered stuttering. "Yeah, nice to meet you. So what day should we meet up?" Minho continued after seeing how anxious Jisung was about the situation. "Umm... Tomorrow works for me but we can't be at my house. Sorry..." Jisung mumbled apologetically. "Oh, okay! It's totally fine. you can come to my place then. It's not big but there's definitely enough space for making a science project. We can go together after school so I'll catch you tomorrow after math. Gotta go now, bye!" Minho stated and left the room. "Bye."

Jisung fel so lost after that conversation. Minho seemed so straightforward, nice and talkative that it scared Jisung. How should he act at his house? What it they can't stand each other? How long would it take them? How can he get home? What if Minho was a murderer after all and killed him? Jisung tried to shook his head and return back on the current moment since his anxiety was piling up. Fortunately Felix was done with Daehwi and noticed that Jisung was having a hard time. He grabbed his hand, took him to the hall and hugged him. It always helped.

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