CHAP.33 - Wise advice

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It had been a few days since Hyunjin had talked with Jisung. He had been on edge since because Hyunjin had become an important person to him and somewhat he wanted to believe him. Even though it didn't make any sense because Jisung was absolutely sure he was the one that knew Minho better than anyone. Jisung was extremely happy that he was going to have a study night with Felix because then they could talk about stuff like this. Their friendship was still very strong even though both of them had been busy lately. But before that Jisung was supposed to work on the science project with Minho in the library. 

"Hey, what are we going to work on today?" Jisung asked as soon as Minho came to the library. "Good day to you too. I think we should clear up the sentences we have written so far and then start putting together the presentation we'll be giving the class," he answered and sounded slightly annoyed. They worked in silence for a while and then started discussing the presentation more precisely. "Hmm, what kind of background would you like?" Minho asked when he opened his laptop. "I think something colorful would be nice since everyone is probably doing something black or white, but of course you'll be the one deciding," Jisung answered sounding overly done with the whole project. Minho wasn't normally the type to take offense to what someone says but he was a bit on edge today and said: "What is that supposed to mean?" "Well, you know, you always want to decide on everything. I have no saying on anything, at least regarding this school project," Jisung answered sharply. Minho looked shook, started packing, and just said: "I ask for your opinion on everything. I know you've been on edge ever since the incident with Hyunjin but there is no need to take it out on me. Maybe I'll just get home now. See you," before leaving. 

When Jisung was left alone he put his head on to his hands and breathed for a while. He had absolutely no idea what to do. Hopefully, Felix would help him. 

It had been a long day for Jisung once he got home and he was not even hungry when Mrs. Moon offered him food. After getting to his room he immediately texted Felix and hurried him a bit. Jisung just wanted to talk about these things with someone who wasn't involved because he needed some reasoning. Gladly, Felix answered him quickly and said he would be there in half an hour. 

While waiting for Felix to come Jisung just listened to some music and cleaned up his room a bit. After a while, he heard the doorbell and Mrs. Moon opening the door. Felix got into the room very quickly and immediately asked: "Hey Jisung, so what's wrong?" Jisung started tearing up because Felix was such an awesome friend. "Well, this is stupid, and I know it myself. A few days ago Hyunjin and I were on the lunch by ourselves and he started telling me something he had heard about Minho. He told me something I already knew and also claimed that Minho had earlier been a bit aggressive. Hyunjin said the violence was the reason he got expelled from his old school. But I know that story isn't right since Minho has told me a completely different story and of course I believe him. The things Hyunjin said have just been bothering me and they affect the way I think about things. We even argued with Minho today over the stupidest thing and now I think he's angry with me, " Jisung poured out. Felix smiled slightly and tapped on Jisung's back before saying: "Don't worry. This just means that you've true feelings for Minho because these little things hurt you. And listening to Hyunjin isn't the wisest thing since everyone knows he's into you. If you believe Minho, it's enough. You shouldn't worry about anything else. Also, having arguments is completely normal and it will bring you guys even closer to each other. He will understand why you've acted the way you have."

Jisung was so happy to have a friend like Felix who always knew what to say. It was a treasure worth more than all the gold in the world. "Okay, thank you, Felix. I'll try to reason this through with myself and talk to Minho. But I've talked enough about myself. What about you and Changbin?" Jisung asked since he wanted to know how his best friend was doing. Felix blushed before answering: "Well, we just made it official that we're in a relationship. It's going very well and I'm so happy whenever I get to be with him. I also told my parents and my mother was very understanding but my father... He doesn't approve of this, but he didn't throw me out. I guess that's a little win." Jisung got immediately very happy and sad at the same time. It was beautiful that Felix had found such an important person in his life and they also understood each other so well. But the fact that his father didn't approve of this made Jisung even mad. "I'm so happy for you guys, maybe we could go on a double date sometime. It makes me genuinely relieved to know that you have such a loving person next to you and your mother is so nice. Like my grandmother. I hope your father would learn to understand you. It's sad that he doesn't support you the way you are," he tried to comfort Felix. Felix nodded and they hugged. After so many years of being friends, they knew how important their support was to one another. 

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