CHAP.32 - Gossiping

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After almost sleeping in he was in a hurry while going to school. He cycled like never before and made it to class barely in time. Jisung must've looked exactly like a person who had just woken up since immediately when Minho saw him he started laughing. That made Jisung grin too when he sat behind Minho. The teacher wasn't in class yet so Jisung said to Minho: "Why are you laughing dummy, can't you see I have just woken up?" Minho answered while still giggling: "Oh, really? I couldn't tell. But good morning sunshine." Right then their teacher walked into the class and made a sign for everyone to stop talking immediately. 

The school day went by fastly and by lunch, Jisung had finally woken up. He was having lunch just with Hyunjin that day since everyone else was busy. Minho was talking with the student counselor so that he could maybe switch to some of the more advanced classes. Felix and Changbin hadn't even been at school they were most likely somewhere together. Seungmin, Daehwi, and others were planning a school event for the last week of school. They had been volunteers to do that since no one else wanted anything to do with that party since it was held for the lower classes. 

"This chicken is delicious," Jisung stated on lunch after tasting his food. "Oh yeah, it really is. So what's going on between you and Minho. Be honest," Hyunjin asked a bit rudely. Jisung was in no way liable to Hyunjin but he answered honestly because there was no point in lying: "We've been spending a lot of time together. I really like him." Hyunjin looked somewhat disappointed. "Oh yeah, that's nice I guess," he said while looking like he wanted to say something more. Jisung waited patiently even though he was starting to feel irritated since he knew Hyunjin didn't really know Minho properly. "I guess he seems like a nice guy. I've just heard some stuff about him," Hyunjin finally continued. Jisung knew Hyunjin was about to say something shitty about Minho but he didn't have the guts to tell him off, so he just asked what he had heard. "Umm, it's kind of sad tbh and I'm worried he's not stable enough for you. I heard from one of the students in his old school that his mother is an alcoholic and that his dad is dead. Also, he has been aggressive and violent in his old school that's why he was expelled," Hyunjin told him like it was the biggest secret he had ever had in his hands. 

Jisung got so mad he had a hard time suppressing his rage. "Don't you dare to tell those rumors to anyone else. You should spend more time on taking care of your own life," Jisung stated in the coldest way possible. "How would you know what's true and what's not. It's not like you know Minho any better than me," Hyunjin defended his point of view. Jisung got even madder than he was before. He was just about to start screaming straight at Hyunjins face when he felt a hand grabbing his hand. Once he turned he saw Minho right there next to him. Minho had clearly understood that Jisung was really mad so he decided not to say anything and just pulled him away. He took Jisung outside and let go of him once he was sitting on the bench outside. 


He had never seen Jisung so mad since normally he was pretty calm and soft-spoken. Hyunjin must've said something really bad for him. Whatever it was Minho had to think for a minute what to do with Jisung. While Jisung had breathed for a while Minho sat next to him and asked: "What did he say to you?" Jisung was not answering him and just shook his head quickly. 

Minho had always appreciated Jisung because he never made him tell anything he didn't want to. Telling things had always been voluntary. That was something he wanted for Jisung too. "Hey, you don't need to tell me what he said. Just know that you're above whatever he said and if you want to talk about it at some point, I'm here," Minho said and proceeded to hug Jisung. He just sighed but hugged Minho back. 

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