CHAP.34 - Step backward

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He hated the way they had argued with Jisung the day before. Minho wanted to support Jisung but he had lashed at him for no reason. There was no way Minho was going to let that getaway and he knew he should make it up for Jisung. Lunch was already over and they were once again sitting in the math class waiting for the teacher. Minho had noticed that Jisung had been all day a bit nervous and having math wouldn't help that. Ever since their math teacher made Jisung seem stupid in front of the whole class Jisung had felt very uneasy in his classes. 

Everything seemed completely normal during the math class. Everyone was doing some revision exercises and getting ready for the test next week. No one talked at all because their teacher was so strict about that. He was the only one who got to speak in the class if he hadn't permitted someone else. Everyone hated the teacher. Minho had already done everything so he was just sitting silently in front of Jisung. He heard paper rustling around him and someone on the opposite side of the class sighed once in a while. They were absolutely struggling. However, the noise that was the most prominent to him was Jisung's breathing. It was really superficial and quick. Minho knew immediately that something was wrong and checked the clock, only a few minutes before class would end. He knew making a big number out of this wouldn't help the situation at all. 

When the school bell rang Jisung basically ran out of class. Minho had no idea where he went because he was a bit too far away behind him. For a minute he stood in the hallway trying to think where Jisung would go. Then it hit him. Obviously, Jisung would be outside on the benches because they spent a lot of time there, and getting some fresh air probably felt good. Minho ran outside just to see Jisung sitting on the bench with his head in his hands. 

Minho knew immediately that he should be there right next to Jisung. He didn't think about it even for a while since it was important to be there for him right now. Slowly Minho walked there, sat next to Jisung, and hugged him tightly. "Just breathe, everything will be alright," Minho tried to calm him down. He took Jisung's hand on his and pressed it firmly. "Breathe at the same pace as I press your hand," he said to Jisung who nodded quickly. They were sitting there for a while but Jisung's breathing got steadier and he started to calm down after a while. 


His thought was all over the place. Since his last panic attack had been a pretty long time ago this felt very weird. The math teacher had made him very nervous because there was no place for error in his classes. Also, Jisung was kinda weirded out about the situation between him and Minho, since they hadn't had a proper chance to talk after the little argument the day before. He was also missing his father a lot. All of this combined made him feel really out of place and created a panic attack. Firstly, he thought being alone would really help. However, when Minho sat next to him and started to comfort him, it felt safer. He was slowly able to get himself together and breathe normally.

"I-i-i'm so sorry about lashing at you yesterday. It's not your fault that Hyunjin acted like a jackass and I shouldn't have made you feel the anger I had in me," Jisung said with his voice trembling. "Hey, calm down. It's okay. I know it wasn't really you there and these are the kind of arguments we can learn from. How are you doing otherwise?" Minho answered with a deep calming voice. Jisung felt so happy to have someone, who knew how to act in these kinds of situations, next to him. "I just hate math nowadays and I'm also missing my father. It feels like he has been in Malaysia forever," he explained himself. Minho was understanding and wrapped his arm around Jisung. They were just sitting there in complete silence for half an hour. "Now I'm ready to go home. Thank you for not rushing me," Jisung finally said when he had gathered all of his thoughts. Minho was smiling while answering: "There's only time when I'm with you."

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