CHAP.16 - News

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Jisung had made him feel safer lately and his friends were also great. They had spent a lot of time together at school and he felt like he belonged there. It was the first time in forever for him to feel like that. However, the bullying hadn't stopped and he didn't want to bother anyone with it. Even though he was happier than in a long time he was also very broken inside. A few times in the past two weeks Jisung had asked him if he was okay, but he was never honest. He knew he could trust him but just couldn't tell him.

They hadn't worked on the science project in over a week because Jisung was busy with things at home. Minho was very curious about the situation but they hadn't spent time alone in a while and he didn't dare to ask in front of everyone. His feelings towards Jisung had proceeded all the time and he was able to admit to himself that he had a little crush on him. During classes, he would just stare at Jisung and think about things he would love to tell him. Because his past relationships and friendships hadn't gone too well he was very cautious about making a move. He wanted to be sure about Jisung's feelings first. 

While getting ready for school he heard his phone ringing. He really hoped it would be Jisung or at least Chan but he saw an unknown number calling him. Not thinking much about it he answered the phone: "Lee Minho.". "It's mom." the woman on the phone answered. Immediately cold sweat appeared on Minho's skin and he felt like he was about to faint. He hadn't spoken to his mother in almost four years. They never kept in touch with each other and Minho didn't want to do that. Most of his memories about his mother were negative and it didn't feel good talking with her. "I know we don't keep in touch, but I wanted to know how my little boy is doing?" she then asked. Rage filled Minho. He was not her little boy anymore, had not been in years. "Well, I'm not your little boy anymore. I'm doing okay. What do you want?" Minho answered angrily. "I-i-i was just thinking if you could borrow me some money. I'm about to lose our old apartment and your old momma would be homeless then." she begged. "You have got to be kidding me. I will NOT borrow you any money now or never. If you had nothing else to say I will hang up." Minho yelled at his mother. "NO, wait a minute. I had another thing too. Some sad news I guess." she then said and continued saying: "Your grandmother has passed away. They called me from the hospital and told me that she had a heart attack. She died the day before yesterday. I thought you'd like to know." Minho welt like his life was shattering. "You thought I'd like to know that the woman who raised me for a few years has died? YOU THINK SO? And you waited two days before calling me? You're unbelievable and you dare to ask for money before telling this news? Don't call me ever again." he said and hanged up the phone. 

Minho fell on the ground and sat there. Not even one tear fell down his face because he felt utterly miserable. He wasn't even able to feel anything. Even though his grandmother had been pretty strict she had at least taken care of him. After a few horrible years at home, grandmother had shown him even a little bit of love. She nursed him back to even almost stable mental health and he was able to grow up like most teens. 

Minho sat on the floor for almost two hours before he was able to get up and go to bed. He didn't sleep for the whole night but he wasn't able to cry either. It felt like literal hell. Because he wasn't able to get the feelings out and felt like he was out of his body he decided not to go to school. That was very weird because even in the worst times he was always very responsible and never skipped school. Today he felt like he had no other option. 

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