CHAP.12 - Equals

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Jisung got kinda awkward when Minho asked that. The problem wasn't telling his secrets. He just didn't want to bother Minho with his tiny problems when he had bigger ones. But since Minho had asked he decided to tell him. "Well, I don't want to bother you with my problems when you have your own." Jisung tried one more time before telling. "Nope, I want to listen since you listened to me so well." Minho answered.  

Jisung told Minho everything about his mental health problems, including severe panic attacks that started when he was only 11 years old. It was all about being surrounded by people back then but nowadays anything could trigger them. He has never gone to a psychologist to talk about these issues and has tried to survive with them alone. Felix is one of the only people who know almost everything about his past problems. Also, Jeongin knew a lot since they've been very close ever since their mother left for Malaysia. Minho listened to Jisung in silence and nodded a few times when Jisung paused. Jisung also talked about their family life and tried to make clear why his mother coming back was so weird. 


Minho looked at Jisung while he was talking with his head down. He felt sorry for him because he seemed such a nice guy. One tear started falling down on Jisung's cheek while he was talking and Minho quickly wiped it off. For a quick second, they stared into each other's eyes before Minho backed off. Being so vulnerable around someone wasn't familiar for him and even though he felt safe it didn't feel good. He didn't want to be pathetic. 

"Thank you for telling me all that." Minho then said after the little moment between them. "I'm glad you wanted to listen to me. I know this day has been hard for both of us, so I'll get going home. Maybe we could hang out together tomorrow at school? If you feel like it." Jisung suggested quietly. Minho was surprised that Jisung proposed something but just answered: "Yeah sure, I'd love to. Also getting to know your friends better sounds great."

After Jisung left Minho felt completely exhausted. Talking with someone for so long and opening up about his past had drained him completely. Even though it had been tiring it felt right. Minho somehow knew he could trust Jisung especially after he told him about his struggles. 


While Jisung was on his way home he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket.  He checked the phone and saw that Felix was calling him. After considering for a second he decided not to answer it. Quickly he sent a text to Felix that he would call him back when he got home. Jisung wanted to clear his head about everything before talking with Felix. 

When he got home his whole family was in the living room. "Hey honey, how has your day been?" his mother asked him. "Good, I'm really tired, I gotta go and call Felix. Night." Jisung answered quickly. When he got back to his room he heard Jeongin walking right behind him. Their parents had probably sent him to find out what's wrong. "What now." he asked without even looking. "Mom wanted me to check on you even though I said you were just being you." Jeongin said and laughed. "Thanks, I am actually doing pretty well. I just have to call Felix as soon as possible or he'll kill me." he answered and proceeded to shut his door. 

"Hey Felix, how you doing?" Jisung started after he heard Felix answering his phone. "Are you serious? I'm doing good but that doesn't interest anyone so tell me everything? How did the studying go? Was he being a jerk and didn't talk anything?" Felix started asking questions at a fast pace. "Calm down, I'll tell you. He wasn't a jerk and we continued working on the project. Also, he'll hang out with us tomorrow." Jisung answered shortly. You could basically hear Felix sighing on the other end of the phone and saying: "Yes, and? That tells basically nothing. Did he treat you badly? What happened? Did you guys talk a lot? And why is he hanging out with us?" Jisung shook his head but understood Felix. He had always been interested in anything that happened for him and he was thankful for that. "He treated me well and we talked a lot about everything. We have no bad blood and in fact, I felt like we grew closer. We studied and drank some hot cocoa. That's all. He's hanging out with us because I want you and all the guys to know him better. He's a really nice guy." Jisung answered patiently. "That's kinda hard to believe considering how he hasn't talked anything for days and didn't continue the school project with you until you made him do it." Felix said kinda fired up. "STOP. You don't know basically a thing about him and you shouldn't talk like that about him. People shouldn't be completely judged by a few things they've done or not." Jisung answered to Felix sharply. Felix was shook that Jisung was so sure about basically anything. He knew that Jisung didn't tell him everything but he trusted him about this. "Okay, sorry. I'll try to get to know him better tomorrow."

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