CHAP.2 - First day

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Even though Minho was good with people the first day in a new school was always frightening and exciting at the same time. In the morning he ate barely anything and drank some water. After that he got on the bus. Luckily his way to school wasn't long. Only 20 minutes by bus. He arrived sooner than he had hoped and found his way to the student affairs office 15min ahead of time. There was another kid waiting on the door and Minho decided to try and make friend immediately. "Hey, I'm Minho. I'm new here. What's your name?" Minho introduced himself. "Oh hi! Welcome to our school. I'm Daehwi and I'm in fact in your new home class. They called me in to give you a short tour around the school." the other kid answered.


He was once again running late and had to pedal like crazy to get to school in time. After running to his class he was sweaty but proud of himself for making it in time. He sat in between of Felix and Seungmin. They sat on the right side of the class since Hyunjin was sitting with his friends on the other side. Hyunjin and Jisung had never been friends with each other they were barely able to stand each other. It wasn't like they hated each other but they just never agreed on anything.

Mr. Min arrived to class and everyone stood up to greet him. Then everyone sat quietly and took their books from backpacks and tried to find the right page. Mr. Min was their history teacher and the lessons were mostly surprisingly interesting. He was also their homeroom teacher so he always started lessons by asking how they were doing. Mr. Min seemed cold at first but he really cares about his students.

They were just going through the American Civil War when they heard a knock from the door. Daehwi came to class with another kid and apologized for being late. "Oh yes, this must be our new student, am I right Daehwi?" Mr. Min asked. "You're correct Mr. Min. I'll let him introduce himself." said Daehwi and went to sit right between Hyunjin and Bomin. "Hello everyone, my name is Lee Minho and I have transfered here. It's my first day here. And as some random fact on myself I could say I have three cats and I'm currently living by myself." the new kid said. Jisung was amazed. How could someone act so confident in front of so many strangers.

The only free place on the class was right in front of Jisung so Minho went and sat there. Mr. Min quickly told him where they were going and continued on teaching about the civil war. Even though everything seemed normal most of the people in class were whispering about Minho. It was rare to get a new kid in school. The talking just gout louder during recess when Minho walked up to Chan, who was one of the most popular kids in the whole school.

Jisung glanced towards Minho who was talking with Chan, double B and Yugyeom. "Isn't it amazing how someone can be so popular when he has been in the school for one hour? How does he even know Chan?" he said to his friends. "Are you jealous or something?" joked Seungmin. "Maybe they know through family or they have mutual friends? At least he seemed nice so I guess he could have a lot of friends." said Felix who always thought the best about people. "Well I'm definitely not jealous since I wouldn't be able to handle all the attention. But yeah, he seemed nice. Maybe it's just something I'm not even able to imagine." chuckeled Jisung.


Minho was proud of himself because even though he had been nervous at least the first lesson went well. Everyone was obviously talking about him since he brought some fresh blood to the school. So far no one had seemed annoying or anything and he was hopeful that the rest of the day would go perfectly. He was just talking to Chan who had introduced him to his friends. Bambam who liked to be called double B and Yugyeom seemed really nice. They joked a lot and were talkative, which was definitely fine for Minho.

Chan pointed him in the right direction when he was supposed to get to his math class. On his way there his classmates stopped him and introduced themselves properly. They were Hyunjin, Sanha, Bomin, Yeonjun and also Daehwi who Minho had talked already in the morning. All of them seemed really nice and warm so Minho stuck with them for the rest of the day. During lunch he sat with Chan and rest of his friends. Minho had learned so many new names on his first day that he was sure he wouldn't be able to remember all of them the next day.

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