CHAP.36 - Fixing something broken

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After school, he had gone home because he had to pick up some stuff before going to Chan's party. He would just quickly visit home and after that go to Minho's. Jisung wasn't sure if their talks about their outfit were at the end still a joke so he decided to dress in black with a few yellow details. The final outfit included a big black t-shirt that was worn on top of a long-sleeved shirt that was black-yellow striped. Black ripped jeans with yellow converse were a reliable pair to wear. A few chains on the neck and Jisung felt like he was ready to go. He packed a few other clothing items in his backpack and also a toothbrush because he was going to sleep over at Minho's place yet again. 

He almost ran downstairs and saw his grandmom in the living room. "Hey grandmom, I hope it's okay if I stay at Minho's place again?" he asked to maintain their mutual confidence. Everything had gone so well ever since he and Jeongin were living with Mrs. Moon. "Oh sweetheart, of course, it's okay. Are you going somewhere else also since you're all dressed up?" she asked interested. "Oh yeah, I am. Minho's friend Chan is having a little get-together where we'll be playing some games and just spending time together after the longest time. I think it'll be fun," Jisung explained their plan. He hadn't basically lied he just "forgot" to tell that there might be some alcohol included. Mrs. Moon looked at him straight in the eyes with a knowing smile and said: "Okay honey. Be careful and take care of your friends. There's nothing more important than keeping those near to you who matter the most."

With those smart words from his grandmother, Jisung left for Minho's place. He went by bus because there was no way he going on a bike to a party. Gladly he found Minho at his apartment dressed in the same colors as him. Minho had a black cardigan with some yellow flowers. Otherwise, he was mostly dressed in black however his shoes had a yellow line on the side. They were perfectly matching. "You look so good," Minho complimented Jisung as soon as he saw him. "Same goes to you," Jisung answered and gave Minho a quick kiss and continued: "Should we get going soon?" Minho looked at the clock quickly and nodded. They had only 30 minutes before the party would start and they wanted to be there on time. 


Jisung really looked so good that Minho barely was able to take his eyes off of him. They had decided to walk to Chan's since he didn't live too far away after all. On their way, they wondered if there would be more people than they had been told of. Minho assured Jisung that Chan had told him about the people coming there and there was nothing to worry about. When they got to Chan's apartment they could already hear people yelling behind the door. Bambam had clearly gotten there early since his voice could be heard easily. They knocked on the door strongly and waited for a while before the door started rustling. "Oh hey, welcome! I'm so happy you guys came. There are some drinks and snacks in the kitchen. Make yourselves at home. Most of the people are already here," Chan said while letting them in. The party had clearly already started and everyone was having a blast. 

First, they went to the kitchen to grab some drinks and started scanning the room to see everyone who was already there. They were able to see at least Bambam, Yugyeom, Daehwi, Seungmin, Sanha, and some older dudes that they didn't really know. Jisung had gone to the toilet quickly so Minho was waiting for him in the kitchen sipping his drinks slowly. "Hey, could we talk for a minute," a voice said behind Minho. He turned around just to see Hyunjin talking to him. Minho was unsure about how to feel so he just said: "Okay, what do you have to say?" Hyunjin looked like he was having the worst time of his life when he started to explain: "I'm pretty sure Jisung has already told you that I've heard some gossip about you and I told them to him too. Am I right?" Minho tried his best to look as if he wasn't surprised because Jisung had told him nothing about this. He just nodded to get Hyunjin to tell him more. "Yeah, I thought so. So as you know some of your old classmates to me that you've been aggressive and acted violently towards them. I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry for believing this stuff from total strangers when I should've known better. Also, you seem like a really good guy and I know you've been helping Jisung out a lot. It shouldn't bother me because I want the best for him and I'm really sad I ruined everything between us by trusting those fools. Our friendship was really precious to me," Hyunjin explained to Minho with a steady voice. Minho tried to understand everything he had just heard. So Jisung had become very angry at Hyunjin because of some gossip he was telling around about Minho. At least Hyunjin hadn't hurt Jisung in any way and he was a man enough to come tell this to Minho and even apologize. One lesson Minho had learned was that there was no reason to be angry at people who at least tried to act well. That's when Jisung walked there. Minho immediately saw how tense Jisung got when he saw Hyunjin. "Okay, so Hyunjin just came here to apologize for the rumors he had told you about me. Everything is good between us and I believe you two should also have a talk since I know both of you miss each other," Minho stated boldly and left the place. Even though it felt like the worst possible thing to do it was also the only possible way to resolve the whole situation. Hyunjin had been important to Jisung and he wanted that to be fixed. 

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