CHAP.20 - To be or not to be

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He and Jisung went to school and were there about half an hour early just to see everyone before classes. First, one they saw was Felix who didn't ask anything and acted normally. He probably guessed that Minho didn't want to talk. "What did you do yesterday?" Jisung asked Felix casually. Felix blushed a little before answering quietly: "I was hanging out with Changbin." Minho knew they hadn't been just hanging out since Felix and Changbin had lately been very close with each other.  Even Jisung had earlier said to him that there was something going on between them. 

After fifteen minutes everyone else came. Seungmin walked slowly up to them and said: "Oh, Minho was bored of being home so he finally came to school. Welcome back." He didn't mean to be rude or anything but it just sounded as if he was. "Hey Seungmin, stop. That's not necessary now. Just leave him be," Jisung said to him immediately and that made everyone else shut up too. Lastly, they saw Chan on the other side of the hallway. He almost ran to Minho and hugged that before saying: "Where the hell have you been? I was worried to death for real." Minho almost teared up when he heard that. Yet another person who really cared about him. He felt Jisung squeezing his hand lightly and he looked up to him. Minho smiled lightly and nodded, confirming to Jisung that he was okay to talk with Chan alone. "Let's go somewhere we can be alone," Minho suggested to Chan. 

"So what happened?" Chan asked with the warmest possible tone in his voice. Minho told him about his past few days and about the shit he had been through. He also told him how bad condition he had been before Jisung came to his house. "Thank god he realized that someone should check on you. What are you gonna do about the funeral? Will you be going alone? I can come with you if you want me to come?" Chan answered. Minho was so happy about all of this even though talking about the things had made him feel sadder than in the morning. "Actually, I already asked Jisung to come with me and he promised that it was okay," Minho explained. Chan just smirked back at him before they went back to others.


After he had lashed to Seungmin about being mean to Minho everyone had been acting as normal as possible. During the free period, everyone acted nicely and talked about daily things. However, Minho stayed right beside Jisung almost the whole day. Once in a while Jisung grabbed his hand and squeezed it just to ground him back to this moment. He knew Minho was thinking about everything all the time and it was totally okay. Showing his support to him just felt important. 

When they had eaten their lunch Minho went to the toilet and that was when Chan grabbed Jisung and pulled him further away from the others. Jisung was completely shocked about this. "What's up?" he asked from Chan when they were out of others' hearing distance. First Chan just hugged Jisung. It felt very weird since Jisung wasn't usually much of a hugger. "Thank you. I'm really glad Minho has found you and you are there for him. I know he has told you more than me but I know enough to be thankful for you. He's one of my best friends and he deserves people that care about him around. I just want to make sure you're not going anywhere," Chan thanked Jisung after the hug. "Why would I be going anywhere? He's the sweetest and most genuine person I know. There's no way I'll be hurting him in any way," Jisung reassured Chan. Right then Minho walked up to them from the toilet with a questioning expression on his face. "Let's go to the library," Jisung just said and they all walked there. 

They were sitting in the library in complete silence when Hyunjin walked up to them. He hadn't been in school on first lessons since he had a dentist appointment. The first thing he said was: "Oh hey Minho, you finally decided to show up to school? Shouldn't you be ashamed since you haven't even been doing anything for your and Jisung's science project? Dimwit." Minho wasn't able to say anything he was stuttering while trying to defend himself. Everyone else just looked shocked. Hyunjin was never that rude towards anyone and this was so out of character for him. Jisung however saw red in his eyes. Hyunjin had become a really good friend for him but that didn't justify him acting like this. He glanced at Minho and saw that he was about to cry again. That was the last bit for Jisung. "Shut up Hyunjin. How dare you come and say something like that when you know nothing about what a person is going through? Come Minho, I think we should get going." he almost yelled and pulled Minho out of the library to an empty classroom. 

Minho burst into tears and tried to say: "He isn't wrong. I am a burden and I haven't been helping you with the project and I just slow you down with everything. Just leave me here." Jisung wasn't even listening to him saying that. "Don't say that, since it isn't true. Your mental health comes before any stupid school project. Hyunjin was being an idiot, I'll talk to him about it once I have calmed down. I think you should go home from today, you don't have to be at school. I can call Chan so that he can keep company with you. We can try again tomorrow." Jisung said while hugging Minho. He wasn't going to speak to Hyunjin anytime soon but someday. Minho agreed with him and Jisung called Chan who came immediately. He was able to leave school early too because he had only optional lessons in the afternoon. Jisung felt good because he knew Minho wasn't alone. 

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