1. The real world

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face once again, the window was open, the little breeze that came through it felt nice,the needle was still placed above the three songs that sang me to sleep last night, a normal morning between the usual four walls that were my life.

As by a miracle of the world I hadn't fall asleep again. I tasted my mouth giving me a disgusted feeling from the last wash of toothpaste from the night before. Still with sleepy eyes I made my way to the bathroom to do the usual routine that I'd do by the time of lunch, when I woke up.

Finally walking down the stairs after leaving the room, I felt a figure staring at me that made me jump in fear. It turned out to be only Kreatcher, the grumpy house elf that worked for us has his life obligation.

Sometimes I wondered if he spyed on us during our sleep, the things he'd do at night, that's why I always locked my door, I was afraid to be murdered while my eyes were closed.

Even though he served my father he still didn't like him, or me, or everyone actually.Except of course my deceased grandmother, Walburga, his pure blood master that he'd forever love, if he even had a heart.

Giving him an annoyed look,I went past his smirk to the kitchen, searching for something to feed my hungry stomach. I sighted, even though that food wasn't something that this house needed, I got back to my room and dressed up, punching down my throat the polyjuice potion that would deguise my identity,leaving the house to the only place I could ever go.

I walked through the streets, the sky was a deep and light shade of blue, pigeons wandered on the ground flying away as I passed next to them. Trees were shaking with the wind and the sounds that their leaves made filled the atmosphere.

Finally I stopped at the nearby bakery,the place where I was known by an older artist that leaved a few blocks away. Speaking to anyone but the cashier, the one friend I had my entire life, I grabbed the usual treats everybody liked at home and came back.

And that was it.It was the bakery or home and my life was based on that.

Although I loved the place, that day my heart was warm, and it wasn't only by the croissants deepened in chocolate milk that I could already taste in my mouth, everything was going to change in a few weeks. My little child's hope had came back when I realized my dream would be fulfiled, and just in few time.

Besides my parents, and my aunt Tonks, life had lighten up when Harry became appart of the family.

He had spent the summer with us for the first time and after that we became sister and brother. After dad ran away from prison and sorted his life, he searched for Harry so then he could finally live with us. People still thought he was a death eater, but I didn't care, at least I had my father back, after all those years of sorrow and pain that I shared with dad Remus in that dark house, that seemed to fill with colour by his presence.

I didn't attend school because of that, what would happen if Black's daughter was actually known by the world?

Sirius was a very protective person when it came to his own,so obviously I had to stuck only with the storys of the rest of the world.

But after Remus received a job at Hogwarts I could finally attend the school of my dreams, he was there to protect me and honestly I was old enough to protect myself, but of course they were only convinced because of the first fact.

Also Harry was younger and attended it, so there were no more excuses. Both of my fathers were still a little thrown back by the whole idea, but they couldn't keep me in that house forthe rest of my days.

I'd asked them about their stories in Hogwarts and their time there with the rest of the marauders. They seemed quite a wicked group, I wished I could have met the others. And all my life I wished I could experience it myself.

My thoughts were ripped away when I felt my hand aganist the cold handle of my house again.

"Good morning" I greeted when I saw them in the kitchen table sipping their coffee.

"Are you okay?" Sirius questioned, perfectly knowing I was very grumpy in the morning and would wake up late, he'd consistently compare me to kreetcher to annoy me.

"Good morning" Remus said at the same time smiling.

"Yes I am, I was too excited to sleep at all, thinking about hogwarts you know" I giggled "so I went to buy us some treats for breakfast" I said taking the sweets out of the bag the nice cashier had handed me moments before.

"Well yeah I'm not really sensing the kreetcher mood today " he told me making my eyes roll, as he continued after changing to a more serious look

"Hey just remember what I told you,carefull with the lovers" Remus warned meemphasising the last words. He had told me before that life wasn't like the movies on the tv screen, but part of me knew he was just being protective.

"Please, let her at least have some fun Remus, teenagers need to release their hormones" he laughted at Remus' face while leaning back in his chair as he sent me a blink.


When the day finally arrived, Harry always stuck beside me,he wanted to make sure he was with me when we went to the train station since it was my first time and he didn't want me to feel alone like he did his time.

As I passed through the wall between the platforms 9 and 10, hands tightened on my truck, I was for the first time in the wizarding world surrounded by witches and wizards of all ages, my eyes widened in happiness.

People were getting on the train and saying goodbye to their loved ones siggnaling it was time to go.I hugged Tonks and gave a little pat on Padfoots head, he couldn't risk being seen and since Remus had already gone to Hogwarts, Tonks had acompainned him to let him say goodbye. Of course she wanted to see me go up on the train too, she was very close to me, the only women in my life actually.

"Be careful"

I heard Sirius voice in my mind. I leaned to him again and whispered in his ear

"I'll be fine don't worry" I reassured him with a final kiss above his head.

After hooping on the train with Harry, I was sat with him and his friends, Hermione and Ron, in a compartment since I didn't knew anyone else.

She was exacly how Harry had described and Ron as well. A nice and friendly book worm and an oblivious ginger who was always eating but could be a good listener.

We talked all the train ride that seemed eternal with my excitment and nervousness.

Until I saw it. The place I dreamed about almost every night before sleep since I was a kid, Hogwarts.


I was nervously waiting to enter the Great Hall along side the first year kids when the big door opened announcing the start of the sorting ceremony and I could feel all eyes on me.

After everyone got sorted I was the last, walking alone to sit on the chair as my legs shakily trembled.The sorting hat was placed on my head as it began rambling to himself.

"Hmm... very difficult this one.. I see that you maybe have some of the snake house traits on you... hufflepuff is it??.." he whispered to himself for a couple of minutes before shouting

" No, no I know exactly where you belong,...GRYFFINDOR!"

Everyone cheered as I made my way to the table sitting next to Harry, making eyecontact with two tall ginger heads smiling eagerly at me.



This is my first book so please don't judge if something makes you cringe.

Hope you like this story,

Love you all, and don't forget to take good care of yourselves <33

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