17. Tea cups then heartbreak

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I handed Snape my finish assignment and went back to the table, sitting next to Angelina. The room was a mixture of green and red robes and everything was quiet, before Snape began speaking.

"Today we are going to do a new potion, the famous French method for the bite of a mad dog" Snape continued to teach us the story of the potion.

I knew this potion well. It was the first one that Remus taught me in case something bad happened. I felt some stares towards me, and little giggles here and there, there was a rumour that my dad was a werewolf circuling around.

On the day that I faced the boggart, when Remus stepped in front of me Bellatrix transformed into the moon, so people started creating theories.

A slytherin girl that sat in front of me turned around facing me

"You must know this potion very well Lupin. Living with a monster must be difficult...unless you are one too"

"You better shut your mouth before you see the real monster on your face"

"Miss Lupin is there anything you would like to share with the classroom?" I quickly answered a "no" not looking right away from the girl.

"Do you think werewolves eat people?"

"Yeah, she has no mother because probably she or her dad ate her"

The class continued and the mocking to, I tried to ignore it I swear, but at some point I started boiling, those little rats, they thought just because it was Snape's class I wouldn't fight back, but they were wrong.

"Alright that's enough" I mumbled as I made the water inside my cauldron cold and pick it up. I sure wouldn't mind to cook the bitch alive but going to Azkaban wasn't really in my plans.

With my hands holding the little wings of the cauldron I walked to her, the center of the stupid circus, and slowly poured the liquid in her head with a pleasing smile on my face.

"Ohh sorry it's just that you look like a mad dog yourself, I had to cure you, I'm really good with this potion you know"

She got up angry a raised her palm in an attempt to slap me but I caught her wrist first. I punched her with my other hand and she tried to fight back but soon enough Snape standed between us.

"Miss Lupin you just earned yourself a month of detention. I'm sure that professor Trelawney is not going to mind if you clean for her"

"What about her?!"

"Me?! You started this!" She lied

"You fuc- you know what, fine. I'll just go" I wanted to threaten her right there but I didn't want more detention. But surely she knew that it hadn't ended there.

I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the classroom. I went to the black lake to catch some air. I sat against a tree looking at the water that sparkled with the sun light, a small breeze made the leaves around make sounds.

I heard coming from the castle the sound that announced the end of classes. I surely wasn't in the mood to go back so instead I stayed there.

In the distance I heard some noise. It came from the forbidden forest. I had never went there but sure now I was curious. I got up from my spot and began walking towards it.

After a minute of walking I already couldn't see the lake behind me. I heard a sweet melody just some feet away and then I saw Luna. She was petting a strange creature that I hadn't seen or heard about before.

"Luna? What is that?"

"It's a thestral. You can see him?" she questioned.

"Yeah well it's right in front of me"

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