3. Not a storm in a cup of water

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After that divination class, even after what Fred said to me I still couldn't stop thinking about it. She was a teacher because of some reason, she could not be wrong at all times even if that's what I hoped for.

The next day I sat at the gryffindor table talking to Hermione. Her and I actually got along, since most of the time she spended was with boys. It was good to have a girl that understanded her to talk to.

Light drops of rain hit the big windows from the outside. And since the sky was so misty there wasn't much light inside, making the candles above our heads iluminate the place in a yellowish gleam that reflected on the big wooden tables.

"Yesterday my last class was herbology and I was tasked to clean the room with a guy named Neville. Do you know who that is?" I asked her, remembering how the teacher had said that since I was new I needed to get to know the school better.

"Yeah Neville, I know who that is" turning to the boy next to her she put her hands behind him, on his shoulders. He had heard his name, perhaps he was just shy and didn't feel like interrupting.

"This is Neville, and Neville this is Mars" she said introducing us, a smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you" he spoke in timidly.

"Nice to meet you too" I chuckled, he seemed like such a pure person why would the professor make him clean? "Looks like you and I have some cleaning to do on saturday, where can I meet you?"

"I usually clean it at the end of the day at five o'clock. We can meet eachother in the entrance to the green houses at that time" he informed.

"Great then, I will meet you there" I gave him a last smile before shoving more pudding in my mouth.


After lunch was over I went with Hermione to the library, since the twins didn't really like studying, it didn't seem that much of a good idea for me either. To study wasn't exacly an appreciated verb in my vocabulary as well, but I needed her help on divination, since I really couldn't focus last class after what the teacher had said to me.

The library was big, full of books that probably one person couldn't read in their entire life even if they tried. I always wondered what mysteries could be hidden in the strict section of the libraries, and how many secrets it would hold. My fathers once told me about their attempt to get inside it, but they were quickly spotted by Filch and ended up with a month of detention.

Realising I forgot my book, after searching my bag, I got up and went looking for another one, where Hermione told me to, since the library was as much confusing as the hundreds of corridors in the castle. I went to search for it in a straight path between the shelves, the sun was finally shining bright between the desapearing grey clouds, making it's appearance at the window in the end of the bookshelves.

Rooming my hands in a boring search for the divination book, I noticed on the corner of my eye a couple of eyes staring at me intensely, strange eyes, unfamiliar ones. Feeling bothered I went to look up, walking a bit further to where the person stood but as I did the they looked away and quickly vanished like fog.


A couple of days had passed in a flash and now I was preparing for the quidditch tryouts. Heading to the pitch with Hermione, as she offered to lead me there, the team was all present, dressed in their uniforms as well as the ones like me who were there to be the new member.

As I entered the field I was amused by how big it was. You could see red robes flying around, practicing. Balls were being thrown at the players and the hoops and Harry was trying to catch something that seemed to be invisible.

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