13. Internal horrors

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I sat back, my back against the wall facing Draco. There was something about him that triggered me. He was very much a prick towards people, although that I hadn't experienced his meanness myself, I could admit it. But sometimes I wondered how his life was like, he seemed alone. His family was clearly not the best influence on his behaviour, but then I though of Harry. His parents were dead and he wasn't wandering through the school being rude to everyone. Draco was just confusing to me, it was like I couldn't solve him.

"What do you want in exchange?" He asked.

"Why were you crying?"

"I wasn't."

"Yeah okay, I'll just stay here then, I guess. I'll just make you company"

"What makes you think I want company?" He frowned

"I don't know. You just seem like you do" Then a long moment of silence came and we just stared at the night outside through the window, watching small drops of water racing eachother on the glass as it began to rain. I felt Draco's gaze change, now staring at my chest. I was ready to give him a lesson when I remembered the stain that Fred made on it earlier.

"Don't even ask"

"A Weasley?" I nodded " Join the hate club then"

"They're not bad. Fred just.. can be a prick sometimes, like you"

"Do not compare me to that weasel" I threw my hands in the air as in self defence.

"I'm pretty tired, I should go" I told him getting up.

"I'm going too, before someone sees me with you"

"Ohh how nice of you ferret" I gave him a fake smile which he gladly returned. Then we parted our ways and I walked to the portrait that led to my dorm.

I threw myself on my bed, I tiredly changed into my pajamas. I would've even layed with the costume if it wasn't dirty. I didn't feel like taking a shower either. As soon as I fell on the bed my body relaxed. My eyes began to shut, I was so tired I just wanted to sleep, the bad memories and thoughts didn't even came to mind as my pupils shut completly.

"Where are you? Where are you?" I asked, a distant but loud laugh could be heard. I ran through the streets my feet's noise echoing with the giggles that were all over the place but still distant.

"Maaaarss" a singing voice began calling for me. Suddently I was in a field and saw a dark silhouette as I ran to it, I felt like it was the person who I was looking for, the wind was strong making me unable to run faster if I wanted. That person was in danger. I tried to scream but from my mouth nothing came.

I was tired and stopped as I looked around trying to find the source of the laughter that I could still hear in my mind. A familiar figure appeared in front of me all of a sudden, a scary woman with dark hair who I recognized quickly.

Behind her was my father, the person I had been searching for. He began shouting at me, calling me horrid names. His shouts and her voice engulfed my head feeling like it would explode.

I closed my eyes and tried to muffle the sound with my hands on my ears, failing to do it. I screamed as loudly as I ever did, but it was like my pain couldn't reach the outside. My tears didn't even came out but I was crying. The woman touched me with her wand and then...

I woke up aggitated. What had just happened? I thought. I felt horrible, I reached my face and felt dry tears on it. My eyes hurted and I was afraid. I looked around to see my roommates sleeping peacefully, none of them had heard me and I was glad for it. I tried to stay awake, thinking about my dream for the rest of the night when the sun finally came up. I got out of bed fastly and went to take a shower. After dressing up, I made my way alone to the great hall, trying to ignore my thoughts I put a fake smile on my face when I saw my friends at the table.

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