20. Midnight spell

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Fred had healed me with a medicine his mother made. She made sure every Weasley had it when they were in school, specially Fred and George.

I woke up again on the twins's bedroom. Oliver bursted in, as usual, and shaked us to wake up. I layed side ways with Fred's arm on top of me, in a protective way.

"C'mon guys! We still have the snakes to smash, and I'm not losing to them!" He shouted as he opened the curtains making our eyes hurt with the light. "Hey lovebirds! There's not time to cuddle let's go!" he said claping his palms to me and Fred before leaving to go wake up the girls.

I had woke up in the middle of the night, it was already a routine honestly, I hadn't screamed, I could control that now so Fred didn't woke up too.

"Fred let's go" I told him quietly.

"You sure you wanna go?" He asked in his deep morning voice that made my stomach feel weird, I nodded. I lifted the covers from us and felt another red and deep cut on my chest, there was blood and it had stained the bed too.

I stood there trying to do something but It was like I was petrified. Fred quickly rushed me to the bathroom making me sit on a bench that was beside the sink.

"It's okay. It'll heal" he told me as he applied his mom's medicine on my chest once again with a firm look, my hands getting my shirt out of his way. "I swear to god Mars. If this doesn't stop.."

"What'd you wanna do? Go after her? And get killed?" he sighted "let's go we have practice"

"You're still going? I don't think so"

"You don't think so? Who are you my dad?"

"If I have to be then yes. And I'll stay here with you too" I tried to complain but he quickly shushed me.

"Tell Oliver we're not going. Mars is sick" Fred announced to George that was already leaving.

"I know you like to think you're my bodyguard but I think I can handle myself" they ignored me. George asked what I had but Fred told him he'd know later, so he left without hesitation as he also knew what I was going through, and now it was only me and Fred.

"I'm gonna take a shower" I announced.

"Okay" he answered but followed me.

"Fred I think I can shower by myself"

"Right. I'll wait...here" he said and I headed to my bathroom. Each dorm had a bathroom and I liked that, at least I didn't have to share one with every gryffindor girl in the castle.

I stepped on the shower and turned on the water, feeling the drops fall on my head, relaxing me.

What can I do? Maybe I'll try a protection spell, I'm a witch it shouldn't be difficult. Maybe I should tell someone. (I thought about what Fred had said) A teacher maybe? Hagrid is the one I'm most comfortable, though I don't know if he knows much about it.

And Fred... I don't even know at this point, it's like we're becoming closer but... it can't be like that, I don't wanna hurt him. I'm too much to handle, I have too many problems. I'm so tired. I just wish time could stop for a moment, there's so much happening.

After a long session with my thoughts I got out of the shower. After drying myself I looked through the mirror, to my cuts. With my towel just above my waist, my eyes roomed the 'mudblood' carved on my skin in a sloppy writing, and the cut on my chest that was still pretty visible too.

I searched for the Weasley remedy but couldn't find it. And in the mirror I saw the door open suddently. My eyes locked with his through the reflection.

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