24. Drunk acts

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"What about your mother? She'll see your not there"

"George is covering up for me there's nothing to worry about. Now didn't you miss me?" He answered after sharing a hug with me, like he hadn't seen me in years.

"Yeah I missed you" I admitted.

Fred ended up staying the night. We fell asleep on my bed talking about everything and anything. Well Fred ended up talking me to sleep, that boy just wouldn't shut up about his and George's plans for the shop. But I liked to see him talk about things he loved, especially seeing the shine on his face while he did so.

"Hi" he said as my eyes opened facing him, rays of sun trespassed the curtain making his red hair glow.

"Hi" I answered still trying to fully open my eyelids. He was in front of me, actually in front of me, so last night wasn't a dream. I thought. After a long minute of silence steps started to be heard around the house.

"You should go. Before someone sees you" I told him.

"Yeah I should, but I'll comeback" he smirked while getting up. My bed leaned on the wall, so for a few seconds he was awkwardly on top off me.

"You're coming back?"

"Of course I am. Every night" he said to me already outside. An after giving me a kiss on the forehead he started to fly away.

"But it's dangerous!" I shouted in hope he heard me.

"You can't stop me darling" I blushed at the nickname until he disappeared in the sunrise.


"Could you go to the bakery and bring us some sweets for breakfast?" Sirius asked making me grunt.

"Why doesn't dad go or Harry?" I asked indignated.

"Harry's asleep and your dad is... sick"

"Sick?" I spoke worried now.

"Yeah sweetie, from the legs now go" He gave me a half smirk.

"Merlin, I didn't need to know that" I said to him as I walked down the stairs.

"Hey Mars!" Sirius said making me stop to look at him again "Who were you talking to last night?"

"You know I talk to myself all the time dad, and who would I be talking to?" I sorted the fastest excuse I could find, but I'm not that sure that it convinced him.

After getting back home, I sat on the kitchen with everyone, that was already drinking they're coffee. Remus sat beside me sipping on his mug while reading the new daily profet. Harry and Sirius sat on the other side talking while I emerged another croissant in my mouth.

"What's that?" I questioned now looking in Remus' direction.

"The quiddich world cup. I heard the best teams are going to play"

"Ron told me about that. He and his family are going, it's gonna be brutal. He even told me that he'd ask his parents if we could go" Harry declared with excitement. And then I remembered how Ron was always mentioning it, and how he was going to see his grandiose Viktor Krum with his own eyes.

"But we can't go can we?" I asked the adults on the table sadly.

"Listen I know it's hard not to do live your life like you want to but we can't risk it" Remus advised.

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