27. To depart

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Soon school started. But sixth year was going to be different. All of us realized that when we saw a boat appear in the middle of the lake, and a carriage pulled by flying horses above our heads.

Sitting at the Great Hall, Dumbledore gave his usual speech. Everything just the same as last year, just only the fact that Remus wasn't there anymore.

Students started to get suspicious of his conditions, so he fired himself, before parents would start to jump on him.

"I'd like to make an announcement" Dumbledore said, shaking me out of my thoughts "This castle will not be only home for you this year, but home to some very special guests. You see Hogwarts as been chosen.." he paused with Filch's interruption continuing shortly after.

"So, Hogwarts as been chosen to host a legendary event, the Triwizard Tournament" he announced. Proceeding to explain what the tournament consisted he finally greeted the so expected guests.

"Please enjoy in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madame Maxime"

Blue dressed girls entered the hall, performing a sweet dance for the students as little birds flew around, and a tall and elegant woman walked behind them.

"And now our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Dumstrang and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff"

Abruptly walked in the boys from Dumstrang. After hitting sticks on the ground and doing tricks with fire, their headmaster appeared as well in the company of Viktor Krum.

"Blimey! That's Viktor Krum" Ron expressed.

"We know Ron, we know" I told him patting him on his shoulder.

That night was full of events. Mad eye Moody walked in, when the ceiling started to get crazy. Then Barty Crouch announced that the tournament was only for those over the age of seventeen.

Obviously Fred and George made their protests be heard. 'That's rubbish! You don't know what you're doing!'

If that tournament wasn't safe, then I was glad they couldn't participate, although a part of me imagined what it was like to do so.

The goblet made it's appearance and then everyone went to install themselves at the dorms.

The moving stairs were full. Students entered the portrait and talked with each other to catch up. I walked with the twins, Angelina, Oliver and the others when I heard my name being called behind me.

Cedric passed through students when he finally reached me.

"Are you here to apologize?" Fred asked rudely earning a stare from me. Cedric just ignored him.

"How are you Cedric?" I ignored Fred as well, that standed behind me in a protective way.

"I'm good. I wanted to know how you were, after what happened at the cup"

"Cedric it's fine really"

"Hey! Move!" Students complained to us. I grabbed Cedric's arm and stepped aside.

"I'm sorry really. I thought you were with them-"

"Cedric it's not your fault, I'm totally fine"

"Your just gonna forgive him?! He left you to die! If it wasn't for me you wouldn't even be here" Fred argued. I looked at George that standed with him, but he was on his brother's side.

"No. Don't be like that. It could've been you! Cedric didn't know! Stop being like that to him!" People started peaking through the portrait hole to see what was going on.

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