26. Shadow

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Mars' POV

"Now tell me how are you? Has Fred messed with you?" Cedric asked me as we distance ourselves from the others so that they couldn't hear our conversation.

"Well... he kissed me"

"WHAT?" He asked shocked "What are you going to do now?"

"He thinks I like you. So I think I'm safe"

"Why don't you just admit that you like him Mars?"

"Because...look you know how Bellatrix Lestrange got out of prison?" he nodded confused "Since my father was appart of the order she's after me too. And I know what happened on the first war, she tortured all of them. If she even suspects of Fred and me... I just don't want to be too attached and I don't want anything to happen to him" I finally shared my feelings with someone. Of course I referred to Remus as my father, Cedric didn't know that I was also related with Sirius.

"I'm sorry I didn't knew that" he paused "And I like the face that he does when we annoy him so I guess we both gain something out of this" he said elbowing me making me giggle.

"Thank you Ced"

"Anything for my lady" he said a bit more loud as he placed a kiss on my hand.


Everyone cheered loudly, excited for the beginning of the game. We climbed the stairs to the top of the pitch along with Cedric and his father Amos.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Draco and his father passing by on the floor under us. As Lucius became aware of our presence he teased Arthur saying something I couldn't hear, due to so much noise of people around us.
Draco shared a brief gaze with me before he and his father disappeared in the crowd.

Arriving at our sits the teams started to be announced as they entered gloriously. Cedric stood beside me, the twins on my other side, their faces painted with Ireland's colors as they cheered loudly for the firework Irish man that danced in the air.

Then were the Bulgarians. Viktor Krum entered in style and you could almost see the shine in Ron's eyes. The atmosphere was wild and smiles spreaded people's faces.

I had never enjoyed such thing, so many people doing something they loved, so happy to be there, it might sound overwhelming but it was too magical to be.

After the game ended, the Irish cheered in victory. The twins and I danced around Ron while singing Viktor Krum a love song. Arthur lighted up the fire while Harry and Ginny watched the show.

"Sounds like the Irish got their pride on" Fred said to the noises outside our tent.

"It's not the Irish. Let's go we have to move" Arthur announced worriedly.

As we reached the outside, people screamed and ran like they were running for their lives. I saw Cedric coming out of his tent along with his father that soon joined Mr. Weasley.

"Whats going on Cedric?" I asked him.

"Death Eaters we have to go" he responded taking my hand. Fred looked at me, worry on his face as he heard Cedric's words.

"Let's go" I told him with the same gaze. We started to run, in hope to find somewhere to hide, when I looked behind me and Harry and the others weren't there anymore. Someone bumped into me and Cedric making our hands grown apart. I stood there a few seconds thinking of what to do when I started to run back.

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