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I still had bad dreams that night tho but hid my fear well as Lee was sleeping beside me. I hadn't told my dads about these dreams, in fact only the twins knew. The smile I always had through the day made no one suspect a thing.

Christmas was approaching. I was spending a couple of days at home until January arrived. The Weasleys had invited us to spend Christmas with them but my dads quickly disagreed for my and Harry's safety since Bellatrix was still on the lose.

The dreams stopped when I arrived home. I still had nightmares sometimes but those were normal, like the ones I used to have, not those where I felt like I was dying and I couldn't breathe.

I was baking cookies with Remus in the kitchen, music played on the background and Harry and Sirius chatted at the table.

"Why do you think she hasn't done anything yet?" I asked Remus referring to Bellatrix.

"I don't know darling, I'm as confused as you, knowing her she would have killed dozens by now. But let's not think of that, your safe here and it's christmas, enjoy it. Now let's work faster before your dad starts eating the icing"

Then Seven seas of Rhye started playing and I knew what was going to happen next.

Fear me you Lords
And lady preachers
I descend upon your earth
From the skies
I command your very souls
You unbelievers
Bring before me what is mine
The seven seas of Rhye

Sirius jumped on the table motioning his hands to me to do the same. I did and Remus didn't even care to protest knowing it would do nothing.

We shaked our hairs and danced bringing Harry with us too. We singed with Freddy even tho nothing could compare to his voice.

You are mine, I possess you
I belong to you forever (Ever, ever)

Remus ended up joining and the night became a Queen concert, with sweat raspy voices and burned cookies.


"We have to tell her" I heard from the living room as I walked down the steps late at night with a dry mouth. "She's old enough by now, she'll understand"

"No that is out of question. I don't even want to think how she would react knowing we've lied to her all this time" I quickly associated the voices to my dads's as I approached the door.

"Sirius she someday is going to find out, it must be us that tell her the truth"

"Mars is not gonna take this well. Do you want her to run away from us? And end up being killed by Bellatrix? I don't know how that cunt found out about her but I'm not risking her life if that's what it takes" Sirius added. Before anything more could be said I bursted in.

"Mars hey. What are you doing so la-"

"I heard you. What is it that I need to know?" I asked. Sirius tried to deny it but I insisted.

"Sirius it's time, she has to know" He glanced at Remus and nodded with a sight before talking

"Mars I- I don't know how I can tell you this. I don't want you to hate us"

"Does this have to do with that stupid diary that I found?" They shared a nervous look before continuing

"No Mars we've closed that matter. It's about us"

"What do you mean about us?"

"Mars, I just want you to know that I love you no matter what" Sirius said taking my hands in his.

𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬? (𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲)Where stories live. Discover now