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I walked with my friends to the train station. They started to hoop on the train except for me. I was waiting for Cedric.

"Aren't you coming?" Harry asked.

"No, she has a date with pretty Diggory" Fred answered annoyed. Hermione smiled at me before entering the high and small door of the Express.

"There you are" I heard Cedric say as he approached me "Ready for our date?" asked Ced teasingly.

"Yeah let's go" I giggled accepting his arm that was stretched out for me to take.


"So, how have you and I ended up in this situation? I would like to know. What did Weasley did to you?" Cedric added after taking a sip from his butter beer.

"It's complicated.."

"So you're not going to admit that you like him?"

"Ced stop with that already. Merlin..." he stared at me intensely waiting for me to give up and say to him what was already obvious.

"Fine... I might have grown a crush for him" he smiled "but that doesn't mean I'm gonna run after him. I can't like him like that. We're friends, nothing more"

"So you're trying to forget him by going on a date with me?" He questioned confused.

"That sounds wrong. It's nothing like that. I just... I can't have him know that I like him"


"Because I don't like him"

"You're really confusing me now"

"Listen I've spent my whole life at home. I hadn't any friends or people my age to talk to. I can't think I'm in love with the first guy I meet. And I can't have him thinking that. Besides the feeling isn't mutual, he likes Alicia"

"Alicia, the chaser!?"

"Yeah, he kissed her. So it's pretty clear" I said with my head down, trying to not visualise the moment.

"He what?!" He conceded.

"Cedr-" The front door suddently opened. Fred, George and Lee walked in, Lee was the first to make eye contact with me as he elbowed the others.

"Is it them?" Cedric asked, he's back was facing the entry so he couldn't see them.

"Yeah" I answered as my eyes locked with Fred's. I felt Cedric reaching for my hand and holding it, and my eyes moved now to him.

"Shh, just talk and giggle" a fake smile was now on my face. I don't even know why I was playing along, but it felt good.

Cedric started talking some nonsense to me as I laughed with the false conversation. The twins and Lee passed by our table and unlike Fred, Lee gave me a wink and George smiled widely.

"Let's go get some fresh air" Cedric said to me in his gentleman voice as he helped get up from my chair. I noticed him winking at someone before we left, probably Fred.

As soon as we stepped out of the bar we started laughing our asses off.

"Such a gentleman Diggory"

"You should've seen his face when we walked out. I think I'm not gonna last much after this"


"How was the date?" Hermione asked when I sat between her and Harry on the common room couch.

"It was good. He's nice"

"Nice? Is one of the most handsome boys in this school. I saw the jealousy in other's eyes when you passed. Honestly I don't know if people want you or him"

𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬? (𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲)Where stories live. Discover now