29. Oh to dream

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"I'm sorry for Fred. He's missing out" Cedric told me, the breeze of the black lake blowing softly through his hair as we sat on the ground watching it's reflection of the clouds in the sky.

"I can't be with him either way. So at least he's happy with someone"

"Merlin, when the hell did you get so positive?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'm serious what do you want me to say? I'm so fucking jealous of that girl, she's ugly and stupid as well as him. They're perfect for eachother" I told him in mockingly type of voice.

"Hey I've never seen you being so mean. What's going on here?" Asked Malcolm arriving, sitting next to us, crossing his legs.

Malcolm was funny. He had this blonde hair almost gold that matched his thick brown eyebrows. He had this piercing eyes, they were chocolate in the sun but looking straight to them, they were like an obsidian looking color. And it was clear that he had a crush on me, in Cedric's point of view.

He was in Cedric's friend group so I became less shy about his presence, since I started hanging out with them more, not having the twins company. George and I were okay, but obviously he was always with Fred.

"Nothing. It's nothing Preece" I called him like his friends did. Well it was his last name, and it was easier and shorter to say.

"What are you doing here? Waiting for Rita Skeeter to appear, so that the beautiful picture can be in the Daily Prophet of the week?"

"Yeah sure. I don't want nothing more than to participate in her false narrative of my life" I spoke ironically. Indeed I was right in a way. The way she portraited my life was dramatic, but much more perfect than the truth.

"You know what she said in the last one? That 'my eyes glisten every time I think about my deceased mother, and that I'm participating to win the money for my poor father's sake she's so dramatic" Cedric ranted as I heard familiar laughs in the distance. One of them I could recognize even after in years of a coma.

"Don't look" Ced advised, but for some reason, I wanted to feel the pain.

Fred laughed while walking with Alicia on his back as she turned his head by his chin and stole him a kiss, placing her lips on his soft and sweet ones.

I miss that feeling. I dream about that night all of the time. Sometimes I still taste the firewiskey and candies of his mouth.

Fuck, stop thinking about it.

"He's a douche. That's why your better with me darling" Malcolm flirted, turning my head around and earning a punch in the ribs from Cedric.

The day after, I walked alone to the library. I had planed with Draco to meet there as usual, so we could ramble about our lives and love tragedies together. Honestly mine seemed like one.

I mumbled a song with my lips, stuck on my head for a few hours now, as I turned around the corner, seeing Alicia against the wall, with Fred's hands all over her as they sucked eachother's faces, not bothering to anyone passing by.

"You okay?" Asked Draco as I sat in front of him with a disturbed expression.

"Yeah totally. I just saw Fred and his girlfriend making out in the middle of the hallway. I'm totally fine" Draco was the one I ranted about my life the most. Because he understood. He knew the same things I did and the risks that it would take dating Fred. He knew about my deepest confusion of all.

Why is Fred so intriguing?


The wind sang outside in the night. Everyone was asleep, I could hear the other girls' deep breathing echoing through the room. I looked at the clock, it passed now 3 hours since everyone went to bed and I still couldn't close my eyes.

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