25. 'forget it'

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Fred's POV

What the bloody hell did I just do. I'm so stupid. She likes Cedric, I can't force her to like me. But why did she kissed back? She was drunk Fred. Fuck I just ruined everything.

I flew back home difficultly almost falling off my broom on the way. I was starting to sober up as all of the questions and guilt wandered my mind and small tears fell of my face.

Tipsily I opened the window to mine and George's room hoping nobody heard me. I fell tiredly on the bed fighting the tears that threatened to fall down.

"Fred? What's wrong?" George asked picking his sleepy head up from his bed to look at me.

"I fucked up. I kissed her Georgie" I said quietly but enough so that he could hear me.

"What did she say?" He asked now beside me standing up.

"She likes Cedric. What do you think she said? Now I'm sure she doesn't want to see me ever again"

"Freddie don't be like that. I'm sure she doesn't hate you. She'll probably need some time but don't worry about it, just talk to her" he encouraged me.

Mars' POV

I saw his figure disappear in the distance as I let tears fall down my rosy cheeks. I felt my legs weakening and I sat on the edge of my bed thinking of what had just happened.

I just lost him. What the fuck do I do now? I should've told him to stay. No, he can't know I like him. He should have the right to have a life. He's to kind to suffer. I can't imagine what would happen. I've heard so many stories. She has done damage to too many families. They can't lose him because of me, because of some silly crush. If she finds out about him, it would be the end of me.

I let my back fall on the bed as I stared to the ceiling trying to control my tears, but I couldn't. I ran to Harry's bedroom. He didn't know that Fred was visiting me, but he was suspicious of it. At the time I just didn't care, I needed a shoulder to cry on.

"Harry are you awake?" I asked through the tears.

"Whats wrong?" He questioned lighting up the room and sitting up om his bed.

I just ran to his arms and let out everything inside until his shirt was soaking wet. His hands rubbed my back gently and his chin rested on the top of my head that leaned on his chest.

We ended up falling asleep, I was too tired to even speak and I was glad Harry understood it, he always did.


"What happened last night? You can tell me" Harry asked in the morning, the both of us already awake.

"Fred.. he kissed me"

"Is that a bad thing?" he asked "okay sorry" he said realizing I wasn't in the mood to address the issue. "Hey the cup is in a few days. You're still going right?"

"Well I think so. I miss George and the others"

Fred didn't visit me the next days, and I didn't receive letters from him either, that wasn't making me happy at all, but I also hadn't the courage to send letters myself. On the other hand George visited me instead of him.

"Hey. How are you? Fred told me what happened" he said after a big hug, it was like hugging Fred, but it wasn't the same.

"I- it's complicated"

"Do you like him?"

"I'm not sure how to answer that Georgie" I said to him not gazing directly in his eyes "Is he okay?"

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