10. Riddiculus

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I grunted as the sun hit my face. And students were heard walking down the steps. The drinking last night was definitely making its appearance. I difficulty tried to open my eyes, spending some time trying to fight the light that was hurting them. After opening them I saw Fred and George sleeping on the couch with me. George was turned to the other side hugging my legs, his head almost falling off the couch and Fred was with his leg on top of him sleeping in a pillow that I was hugging with one arm. I tried to get up but quickly fell back again when my head started to hurt.

"Holy shit my head hurts" My legs tried to get off of George's embrace but it just made him held them tighter.

"George we need to get up. Let me go" he frowned his forehead and placed a soft kiss on one of my legs.

"Shut up and let me sleep" his raspy voice was finally heard. I looked at Fred. He still hadn't woke up so I nudged him.

"Fred tell your brother to let me go"

"Let her go" he said in a deep and sleepy voice not opening his eyes. But George stayed still so I had to forcefully get up making him fall off of the couch.


"Yeah yeah I'm very sorry. I'm going to change we're late"


"Goodmorning Mars" Harry greeted me from the other side of the table. "Did you sleep well?"

"Do you think sleeping on a couch with two giant weasleys is comfortable for me to say I slept well?" I said to him taking a toast from Ron's plate.

"Hey! I was gonna eat that!"

"Ohh do you want it back?" I asked him and he nodded in response "Too bad.." Hermione and Harry let out a giggle as I shoved the toast in my mouth. Fred sat next to me. George on the other side next to Harry.

"You better get used to this, parties are something that us Gryffindors don't miss" Ron told me after he and the rest of the trio got up and left. I drank a big sip on my coffee and got up aswell, the twins behind me.

The day was long, very long not for my liking so in between classes I would read more pages of that diary that I found.

For my understandment the owner was  in love with a crazy lady, and even though that his love wasn't received back and she seemed like a bitch, she still made him her territory. Besides her all he talked was about honor. Honouring him. He always mentioned this crazy cult that they were joining with the greatest wizard of all time. I really wondered who he was talking about. Of course my first guess was you-know-who since he talked about purebloods and stuff. But he could also be talking about the order that battled against him in the first wizarding war. There were still some families that had the tradition of marrying purebloods. He could even be a Black for all I know about my ancestors. Could he even be Regulus? No I don't think my dad ever mentioned that he married. I thought to myself.

"So have you found out who does it belong to yet?" Fred asked.

"No but I think I know a way to and I'm gonna need your help"

"Okay when and where?"

"After class in the library"

"In the library?"

"Yeah. You don't have to come if you don't want to"

"I'll be there" he told me after we stepped foot on the last classroom of the day. There were no chairs or tables only an wardrobe. And Remus had told us not to bring anything besides our wands for this class.

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