16. 'and he hugged me tightly once more'

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I found it quite odd that George was not staying, it wasn't a thing for him to do, but well they sometimes could be unpredictable.

"Where's George?"

"Ohh.. he said he was tired and this beds are not really comfortable for us. You know that's really unfair. Not all people look like dwarves" he expressed.

"Is that an insult?! It's not anyone's fault that you and your brother are two big giraffes" I snapped back with half a smile.

"Whatever you say Grumpy" he said patting me on the head and laying on the bed next to mine.

We talked a bit, it was almost him talking tho, about his plans for pranks with George and new inventions of them. My eyes started feeling heavy and soon I fell asleep, Fred talking with his hands still on my gaze.

Then it happened again. That stupid nightmares or hallucinations or whatever that was, that were so horrible and realistic.

Giggles, blood, fire, dark, void, screaming and pain. I was being tortured, cuts all over my body spelling words that I couldn't unpuzzle.

But then I felt myself being shaked awake. My screams echoed through the room transmitting the pain that I wasn't feeling anymore. I breathed heavily and stopped screaming when I became to my senses. Fred was in front of me and I hugged him tightly not wanting to let go.

We stayed like that for a while as I tried to forget my thoughts. "Is she okay?" I heard the little girl ask, Fred answered something that I didn't comprehend and silence filled the room only my sobs being heard.

"What happened Mars? Are you having those nightmares again?" I wasn't sure what to tell him. We had spoke over letters on the holidays and I had told him how they went away, but not even him knew that they had came back.

I nodded in response and after calming me down Fred tucked me in bed again but before he could go back to his bed I stopped him.

"Freddie can you stay?" I asked him scared. We were bestfriends at the time and were pretty used with eachother so I think it was pretty normal, right? Not that I had acknowledge that at the time.


The bed was tiny for both of us so we ended up cuddling. He had his arms around my waist and my head rested on his chest. The adrenaline in my body sure didn't let me realise the situation we were in as I held him tightly. But his arms were comforting and warm and as I calmed down I felt my cheeks burning up.

I felt protected from the world, like time had frozen and for the first time in months I had a good night of sleep at Hogwarts.


Next day went by. Fred had become more protective of me, even if that was possible. So of course George did the same too. I had told me not to be that concerned as I was starting to get used to them but he didn't buy it.

"I don't have dreams when I'm awake did you know that?"

"Yeah but you could have... an hallucination or.... you could fall asleep accidentally"

I walked through the hallways with Lee and the twins. We were going to lay on the grass on the courtyard, they had more fun things in mind to do but nevertheless they wouldn't leave me alone. On our way to the nice green grass spot that George had chosen for us, Cedric stumbled upon us. I hadn't seen him since the game, I'd been told he went there to visit me though.

"Hey Mars! How are you?"

"Hi. I'm better now thanks for asking" a sudden tension spreaded in Cedric's eyes. Fred was skinning him alive, he didn't liked him before and after the hufflepuff victory things hadn't got any better. He put his arm over my shoulder but I quickly gave him the same look he was giving at Cedric.

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