31. Thorns

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"Open it Mars!" Seamus spoke excitedly with the golden egg on his hands as everyone stood around me cheering for my victory.

I grabbed the egg as George and Dean raised me on their shoulders. From there I saw everyone's eyes filled with curiosity, waiting expectantly for me to open it.

With my hands on each side of it I put pressure and when it finally opened a loud and thin scream, that entered our heads in such a horrific way, came out.

I ended up falling to the floor when George and Dean released me to muffle the sound with their hands on their ears. Even the ghosts on the walls were bothered.

How was that supposed to be a clue? Barty Crouch told us the egg would be a clue for the next task, how was a scream a clue for it? I have to ask Cedric if the one he has did the same.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Asked Ron still with his hands placed above his ears.

"Do you think I know?"

"Maybe you're opening it the wrong way" Dean suggested it beside me.

"I'll try and talk to Cedric, maybe his didn't did that"

Everyone dispersed after, me and the trio sat by the fire as they told each other stupid things about other students.

"Thanks for the help Mione. Without you I'd be dragon food by now" I thanked her.

"I couldn't let you die. And you did amazing with that spell, is not everyone that can do it" she told me placing her hand on my knee with a proud smile on her face.

"Hey Mars do you think we can talk?" I heard Alicia's voice as she approached us.

I went with her, a bit thrown back by her sudden request. It was about Fred, I could just feel it. We sat on a little couch in the corner of the room.

"So I'm just going to say it already. Are you and Fred okay? I noticed you and him are quite distant nowadays and he's not really acting like himself" she expressed, her hands holding a cup of butterbeer that the twins had snook in.

"I- um. I think so, yeah. I don't know, it's just-" I stumbled on my words. What was I supposed to say to her? Not even I knew what was going on.

"You don't have to tell me. I just hoped you could be friends again"

Fred and I weren't really in talking manners. We passed each other in the hallways, in the common room, he didn't even had the courage to look me in the face, and if we shared a quick gaze with each other he was the first to pull away. And the smirk he always did, wasn't there anymore.

I was still mad about what he had told me. But I was starting to think it was true. I always thought the world outside was such a magical place. People falling in love and having fun together but the disappointment of the true reality wasn't great.

But knowing what I had been through... he had no right to speak to me like that. I had been bloody tortured by Bellatrix, did he want me to laugh?

"Yeah. I don't really want to talk about it Alicia. But I'm glad you two are happy, you make a great couple" I forced myself to say, not only for her, but for me as well.

Fred's POV

"What do you think they're talking about?"

"You of course" George responded. Seeing Mars and Alicia talk with each other, in private, in a corner for no one to hear them, wasn't very appealing.

"I was wondering. When did you fell for Alicia?" He asked.

"What kind of question is that?"

"Well you didn't told me you liked her before you started dating. Fred be honest. Is this because of Mars?"

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