6. The fireplace

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Mars POV
"I didn't know you knew pretty boy there" Fred leaned his head to me, without looking away from Cedric. He and his friends had arrived to their table, and we had shared a friendly wave not really forgetting what happened.

"I met him a couple of hours ago actually, he kinda of broke my nose"

"What?" He asked confused.

"Long story"

We continued eating and after we had finished the boys dragged me to their dorm to show me their new candy, that they were going to experiment on Filch's cat, making his pupils to appear ill. Skiving Snackbox that's what they called it.

"Would you like to try it?"

"Definitely not, I'm too young to die. You already have a lab rat to try it on and I'm not gonna be your second."I told them

"Fine then, if you say" George rolled his eyes playfully.

"Let's get going before we miss our chance" Fred added.

We stepped out of the portrait, and headed to Filch's office. Fred placed his ear on the door trying to ear something on the other side of it, his head turned to the side, his eyes looking straight at mine. As he heard nothing he quickly pulled the door open rushing me inside telling George to stay for watch. Complains came from George's mouth but Fred quickly shut the door in his face.

Fred reached to his pocket and started to make a path of other sweets to Norris's bowl as he handed me the skiving snackbox indicating for me to put it in the cat's cup.

"You've been acting strange lately, what's going on? You know you can tell me." He started. Strange? How was I supposed to know what he was referring to? I mean first there was Bellatrix escape from prison, then I was worried because of my dad, then about what Trelawney had said. Not skipping of course that weird shadow stalking me on the library.

"You're gonna have to be more specific Fred"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you. That other night when you skipped dinner, or this morning when you completely ignored me and George and ran out of the common room" he said has he finished what he was doing and standed in front of me.

His worried eyes made me just want to tell him everything. Lose the weight that was on my shoulders, because of everything that was going on around me in just a simple amount of time. But then we heard a knock on the door

"Guys what's taking you so long?"

"We'll be right there George" Fred answered without breaking eyecontact. "Please Mars I know there's something going on, just tell me, whatever it is" he pleaded.

"Fred I-" George interrupted

"Guys there's someone coming...." thank Godric, there was my salvation.

"We should go" I turned around and left the room but Fred was quick to stop me and grabbed my hand pulling me closer to him "I'm fine Fred jes-"

"What is it that your doing here Mr. Weasley?" Mcgonagall's words could be heard outside of the door as Fred put his other hand on my mouth shuting it.

"Ohh I'm just waiting for Fred he went to the bathroom" I could hear George screaming at us inside his head for almost being caught.

"Well I'm sure you can wait for him in another place before someone thinks you're planning some mischief here" she told him.

"Right, you're totally right professor" they both walked away. Fred and I waited a few seconds and got out of the room still hand in hand as we saw George standing on a corner.

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