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5 Years Later...

Dressed in a white silk robe, Evelyn Delany wistfully dragged her fingers over the ballgown displayed on a mannequin. As her fingertips aimlessly grazed the dress, Evie stared at every fine, soaking it in fully. Her eyes took in the beading of the bodice, each piece hand-sewn into its perfect place, before moving down and staring deeply into the pool of off-white tulle that made up the skirt of the dress. The cool edge of the beading and the rough texture of the tulle combined on her finger, sending a spark of warmth through her veins. This dress, and everything it symbolized, was a mere fantasy for so much of her life. Being able to feel the fabric in her hands sent a wave of tears to the forefront of Evie's vision.

Evie was so transfixed on the gown that she didn't notice her sister enter the room.

"Evie?" Ella said gently, peaking her head in from behind the parlor door. She stepped into the room quietly, closing the door behind her with a soft click.

Evie spun around in surprise but smiled softly when her eyes landed on her sister. Now 20, Ella had grown into one of the most desired bachelorettes in Lexia. Her hair fell in soft curls down to her waist and her slender body was accented by the regal blue A-line gown she wore. Even after many years of growing up in the company of royals and undergoing many lessons explaining the demands of being in the public eye, she still, somehow, maintained the same childish sparkle in her eye.

Given the occasion, her eyes were especially bright today. As she closed the distance between her and her sister, she attempted to discreetly wipe the tears from her eyes. From the fondly amused expression on Evie's face, her discretion was not successful.

"Crying already?" Evie asked, stepping closer and bringing her sister into a hug. "I haven't even got my dress on yet!"

Ella shook her head gently and wiped her eyes, being careful not to smudge her makeup.

"I'm so happy for you, Evs. You're going to be the most beautiful bride," Ella said sincerely, pulling away from her sister's embrace to look Evie in the eye.

"Goddammit don't make me cry yet, Ella," Evie said, letting out a short laugh as she fanned her eyes.

"Sorry sorry," Ella said, her signature toothy smile lighting up her face. "Are you ready to put it on?"

Evie took a deep breath as she glanced behind her at the ballgown staring back at her.

"I think I've been ready for a long time."

Ella smiled at her sister before stepping back into the parlor and clearing her throat.


Almost immediately, a squeal erupted from the room and Tina and Kennedy raced out to smother Evie in a hug. They were both dressed in the same dress as Ella, a flowy floor-length dress in a deep blue, the color of the Lexian flag.

As the Crowned Princess of Lexia, Tina's dress was accented with a dainty silver sash and her usual crystal wishbone tiara. Meanwhile, Kennedy's dress was accented by a tennis bracelet and matching choker.

Trailing behind Kennedy and Tina was the last of Evie's bridesmaids, Princess Elianna of Grandway. She watched with a small smile on her face as Tina and Kennedy held Evie in their arms.

"Ladies, how do you expect the maids to get Evie's dress on if you're right on top of her?" Elianna laughed.

Reluctantly, Kennedy and Tina released their hold on their friend and backed away so that the maids who had entered the room behind them could reach the bride-to-be. While the maids worked on the tedious job of unlacing the corset back of the dress and removing it from the mannequin, the bridesmaids all moved to sit on the bench provided for them.

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