Chapter 14- The Phone Call

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The next few weeks continued on as normal. Well almost. 

On weekdays, Evie would drop Ella off at school, then sprint to her classes, then go to work and then pick Ella up. Then on most nights, they would return home where the two sisters whipped up dinner and then settled onto the couch to watch Say Yes To The Dress.

However, on weekends, Evie would often spend a few hours at the royal palace with Tina. And when they couldn't meet up due to Tina's royal duties, they would video chat and talk about meaningless topics just to distract Tina from the ten makeup artists surrounding her in preparation for a press event.

That was what Evie was doing when Tina suddenly paused and asked her an unusual question.

"What are you doing next weekend Evie?"

"Ummm, I'm actually going to dinner with Ella for my birthday," Evie replied, taking a break from her typing to take a sip of her water. "Why?"

"Wait. Are you telling me that it's your birthday next weekend?"

"Yeah. Saturday. Ella and I were thinking about going to that new burger place that opened up what do you think? Have you ever been?"

"Evie stay on topic! You're telling me that I have less than a week to plan your birthday party?"


"No Evie trust me-"



"I just want to eat burgers with Ella. Maybe I can finally introduce you to Kennedy and we can go to lunch or something."

"Evie I love you hon but, you deserve more than lunch," Tina said as she leaned forward in her seat causing her hairstylist to purse her lips. "I think we should go shopping. You, me, and Kennedy can go to my favorite mall in America-"

"Tone it down Tina," Evie rolled her eyes. 

"Right so you, me, and Kennedy go to the Lexia Shopping Centre on Friday and then you guys stay over at the palace until Saturday morning. Then, you can go home to Ella and go get burgers." 

"I would love to Tina but you know I like to give extra spending money to El..." Evie trailed off.

"Bull crap and you know it Evie. I'll pay for it if that's really the issue but I have a feeling that you're also just trying to come up with an excuse,"

"I can't let you pay for it Tina-"

"Will you just agree to let me take you shopping?" Tina said waving away the hand that was brushing at her face. 


"Just say yes Evie!"

"Fine. Yes. I'll go shopping with you on Friday."

"Yes! I'll call a couple people and it'll be great. Tell Kennedy too ok?"

"Don't go overboard Tina," Evie warned, taking the time to meet Tina's eyes through the screen. 

"I never go overboard. Now I gotta go, Dev is waiting for me but I'll see you soon hopefully."

"Ok bye Tina."


And as Tina's smiling face disappeared from her phone screen, Evie groaned and lowered her head onto the table. 

"Why do I always say yes?" She mumbled to herself. 

Stacking her homework papers and notebooks into a neat pile on her desk, Evie got up and took a glance at the time. 


Evie sighed and walked into the small kitchen. She opened the fridge and looked at her options for dinner. Frozen pizza or dumplings.

"Hey El?" Evie shouted. 

"Yeah?" Ella responded from her room. Evie could just barely see her sitting on her bed with her earbuds in. 

"Pizza or dumplings?"

"Dumplings Evie duh." 

"Alright. Is it cool if we watch Tina's press conference while we eat?" Evie asked as she pulled the bag of frozen dumplings out from under the pizza. 

"As long as Say Yes To The Dress is on after,"

"Deal. And you've finished your homework right?"

"Yes Evie. And I made sure to buy fruits and vegetables from the farmers market if you want to use those tonight."

"Thanks El. In the fridge right?" Evie left the bag of dumplings on the counter as she walked over to the fridge again to see what Ella had bought. 


Sure enough, a bag of green beans and apples were sitting in the fridge. Evie grabbed two of the apples and set them next to the dumplings. She grabbed a pan from one of the cabinets and emptied the dumplings into it. Then she walked over to the stove and watched as small, blue flames emerged from the burner. Then she set the timer and left the dumplings to cook. 

Returning back to the counter, she sliced the apples and set them in a bowl. Soon after she finished, the timer signaled her back over to the stovetop. Removing the dumplings from the pan, Evie called for Ella to finish up what she was doing. 

The two sisters were soon cuddled together on the couch each holding a bowl of dumplings and apples. 

"So what's this one about?" Ella asked Evie who was flipping through the channels with the remote. 

"She said it's in preparation for Devon's birthday," Evie muttered. "I got it! Oh and it's barely started yet." 

The TV screen soon showed Tina happily waving to the camera as she walked up to the stage and sat down. She had her crown on and her dress was a deep mauve color. 

"Ladies and Gentleman that was Her Royal Highness Princess Valentina of Lexia. Now if we move the camera to the right, we'll see Her Royal Highness Queen Meredith and His Royal Highness King Jakob. And.. here he is! The man of the hour! His Royal Highness Crown Prince Devon!" The newscast reporter said. 

His sparkling hazel eyes turned to face the camera as it zoomed in on him. He morphed his lips into something resembling a smirk before giving a sharp wave and making his way to his seat. 

"Alrighty, folks. Well, the session should start soon so stay tuned to see what the royal family has to say about the upcoming changes for their family," 

The program cut to commercial and Evie quickly stuffed her face with her dumplings before they got cold. 

"Evie slow down you're going to choke," Ella criticised as she daintily lifted an apple slice into her mouth. 

"Hut, Hina?" Evie said with her mouth full. 

Ella rolled her eyes. 

"You can call Princess Tina later and I'm fairly certain that you can eat while you watch TV,"

Evie finished off her dumplings and then eagerly watched the screen, waiting for her friend's face to appear. Finally, after a couple more commercials, the faces of the royal family graced the screen.

A/N- Hi guys! Happy Friday! How's your day going? I'm a feeling a little sick today so that means lots of sitting around and writing! I'm going to go and write some more but I'll see you on Monday!

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