Chapter 20- The Birthday

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Evie stumbled into the mall with the guards around her all reaching to help her regain her balance.

"Thank you," She said as she quickly, but kindly, brushed their hands away.

"You ok back there?" Kennedy asked her, stepping away through her wall of guards.

"Fine," Evie mumbled walking further into the mall. "Where's Tina?"

"Her Royal Highness is taking pictures with the citizens outside. She shall join us shortly," One of the guards standing near Kennedy said.

"Speak of the devil," Kennedy whispered to Evie making sure to avoid the guard's eyes.

"Alrighty ladies," Tina said as she rejoined the group. "Let's get to the spa shall we?"

The large group of guards formed a loose circle around their charges. The cameras still snapped around them as they walked through the mall. Excited citizens craned their necks in an attempt to see the person who they only knew from their television screens. The guards kept everyone at a distance but, Evie couldn't shake the constant feeling of being an animal in the zoo.

Tina continued to lead the group through the mall, unconcerned with the cameras pointed at her.

"Only a couple more minutes and then we should be there," She said, turning her head to look back at her friends.

Sure enough, in less than 10 minutes the group arrived in front of the spa that most people would never be able to afford.

The sign was modern and simplistic but still bright enough to make people walking by, stop and stare, or maybe that was just because of the large group of guards.

The group entered the spa and the guards finally dissolved their strict formation and spread out around the entire establishment.

"Your Highness! It's an honor to have you here," The receptionist enthused. "My name is Alyssa and I'll be taking care of you today. I've also gathered my two best beauticians to take care of your friends."

"Wonderful! Thank you so much for accommodating our group," Tina replied. "Now, this is my friend Evie and it's her birthday today so I want you guys to go all out. Oh! And don't tell them the price of anything. Just tell me the total and I'll write you a check."

"Sounds perfect Your Highness. If you'll follow me I can show you to the hair salon."

Evie followed along as the beauticians performed so many different procedures that she didn't even know existed. Before she knew it, the group was exiting the salon feeling more relaxed and much more excited for what was to come.

"What so we're actually going to Gaffney's?" Kennedy exclaimed as they walked out of the spa.

"Of course! Well, unless the birthday girl doesn't want to," Tina replied.

"No! Let's do it!" Evie said stepping in front of her friends and walking backward in order to continue facing them. "I think I want to get a new dress so I'm not constantly wearing sweaters and-

"Evie turn around!"

And then she slammed into a guards back.


After a successful shopping spree that left their guards holding numerous bags filled with new clothing, the girls were ready to call it a night. After carefully avoiding the press while getting their limo, the driver took off into the night and went back to the palace.

"Wait so you legit live in a castle?" Kennedy asked as the guards got their bags from the trunk of their cars.

"Yes. And I will live here until Dev has a child who can inherit the throne."

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