Chapter 8- The Closet

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"You're kidding me. You're telling me that there's a proper way to sit?" Evie said.

"Well yes! You have to sit up as straight as possible while slanting your legs. Usually, I cross my ankles but you don't have to," Tina said. 

"Slant your legs?" 

"Yeah, like this", Tina said as she demonstrated.

"Isn't that uncomfortable?"

"When you're learning yes. After a while, no." 

"What about if you're just lounging on the couch?"

"Lounging? I can do that however I please as long as my parents and the public can't see." 

"So, you kinda have two different personalities?" Evie asked. 

"Ummmm a little bit. I think almost all royals have that though. Like you wouldn't expect it but Dev likes to be the life of the party and my dad loves to make corny jokes. But, as soon as the camera turns on or someone comes into the room, they'll be the perfect leaders that they need to be. I like to say that in private, we're just us. As soon as we're in public, we become our titles. Does that make any sense?" Tina asked, flipping her hair.

"Kind of," Evie said skeptically.

"Like, right now, I'm just Tina. A college student hanging out with her friend. Then, over the weekend I'm at press conferences with a crown on my head. That's not Tina. That's Princess Valentina."

"That's kind of a mouthful no? But I think I get what you're saying," Evie said. 

"I know! Couldn't my mom have chosen something a little shorter? I mean Valentina? Who am I? Cupid?" 

The girls dissolved into laughter which is quickly interrupted by Evie's phone ringing. She grabbed it quickly and glanced at the screen before frowning.

"Sorry Tina, it's my sister one second," Evie said as she clicked the green call button. "Ella? Are you ok? Are you having fun? Do you need me to pick you up?"

"Chill Evs. I'm fine," Ella's voice said through the phone. 

Evie can hear giggling in the background of Ella's voice.

"I was just calling to check in," Ella said. 

"Oh. I'm fine El. I'm hanging out with my friend Tina and yes I remembered to eat lunch and no I didn't go into work and I barely cleaned."

"Good. Ummm. I also wanted to ask you something and it's fine to say no but I was wondering if I could sleep over at Sara's? I know I don't usually stay overnight but I was just thinking that maybe-"



"Stay over El. I think it's about time we start hanging out with our friends more huh?"

"Yeah. Yeah, thank you Evie. I love you."

"Love you too El. Have fun ok?"

"I will. See you tomorrow!"

"Alright bye."

Evie hung up the phone and turned back to Tina who was staring at her with questions in her eyes. 

"That was Ella. She's actually sleeping over at her friend's house tonight so I guess I have the flat to myself."


Evie nodded as she sat back down on the couch. 

"Would you, maybe, like to come and sleepover at the palace? I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind." Tina said. 

"I couldn't intrude like that-"

"It's not intruding since I invited you. Please. I've had a lot of fun today and I've never had a sleepover before!"

"Are you sure?"


"Alright fine. But what if I mess u something while I'm there? And what do I wear?" Evie said with her eyebrows scrunched together tightly. 

"For the record, I think you'll be just fine but I can give you some extra princess lessons if you're really worried that much. As for the clothes, you should be fine with your regular stuff except for dinner but you can borrow one of my dresses for that." 

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Evie! Now come on, let's get you packed."

A/N- Hi guys! Sorry for the wait but I had some really exciting stuff come up and I just couldn't focus on anything else. So when I woke up this morning and realized that I had to post a chapter I wasn't prepared and decided to wait a bit.

Anyway how was your week?

Mine was pretty great because school was actually pretty easy.

Anyway, if you enjoyed this chapter please consider voting for it and giving me a follow. I really appreciate it and you will get all my notifications! .

Alright that's all. This authors note was really long oh my gosh.

Bye guys!

Bye guys!

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