Chapter 34- The Pearls

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After heading down to the kitchen's to visit Fransisco, Evie told Tina that she had to go home. The two girls went back up to Tina's wing and Evie took off the pastel dress. Once she was changed back into her shorts, she started to take down her hair when suddenly a hand grabbed her wrist, preventing her from moving anything.

"Don't," Tina said, pulling Evie's hand away. "Keep it up."

"But the hairpiece-"

"I have tons. Just keep it."

Evie smiled at her friend and nodded. She picked up her purse and then started to leave the room with Tina by her side. The guards swarmed them as soon as they left the room and immediately took their places around them. Evie continued on her way, talking to Tina as if they weren't there. When they did finally reach the door, Tina pulled Evie in for a hug.

"I'm sorry Devon was here," She whispered. "I'm especially sorry that you had to see him with another girl."

"I broke up with him, remember? He can do what he wants."

Tina rolled her eyes but pulled away from Evie.

"Whatever you say, Evie."

"Really Tina! She seems really nice."

"Yeah but that doesn't mean you liked the fact that she's all over your man."

"Please don't say that ever again! He's your brother for goodness sake!"

"So? All the more reason to tease you about it."

"Goodbye!" Evie said, leaving the palace before Tina could say anything else. She carefully got into her car, pulled her hat over her hair and made sure her sunglasses were in place before driving out. The roads were fairly quiet even though it was a Saturday afternoon. Evie got home in a little under 15 minutes.

"Ella?" Evie yelled as she opened the door to her flat. "I'm home!"

"In the kitchen!" Ella yelled back.

After setting her purse down, Evie walked over to the kitchen to see her sister. Ella was sitting on a barstool with a glass of lemonade in her hand.

"Hey, are you doing ok?" Evie asked, pouring herself a glass.

"I'm good. Where'd you get the pearls?" Ella said, looking at her sister's hair.

Evie felt the bun self-consciously. "Does it look ok? Tina gave it to me."

"You look great just a little out of place with jean shorts and a tank top."

Evie looked down at herself and nodded her head.

"Yeah probably. I think I'm going to get started on some projects in my room. Are you sure you're ok?"

Ella rolled her eyes. "I'm always ok Evie! I'm 14 remember?"

"Yes, yes, whatever you say El. I'll make dinner around 6?"

"Sounds good. Oh, and I need a permission slip signed when you get the chance."

"Show me at dinner!" Evie said, already retreating into her bedroom. She got out her computer and sighed when she realized that it needed to be rebooted before she could start her work. While she waited for that, she pulled out her phone and was surprised to see 6 missed calls from Kennedy. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she called her back.

"Hello?" Evie said.

"Oh my god Evie! Have you seen the news?"

"What are you on about Kennedy?"

"Prince Devon just got off the plane in Grandway."

"Yeah. I'm aware." Evie started cleaning up her room while the phone was pressed against her ear. "I was just as the palace and he was talking about it."

"But he's there with a girl."

"Yeah. Princess Elianna. She's really cool-"

"How long have they been together?"

"Well, they aren't really together. Their parents are trying pretty hard to get them together though."

"Evie, he seemed like he was pretty comfortable with her. He kissed her-"

The stack of clothes that Evie was holding fell to the ground. The sick, nagging feeling that she had gotten that morning came back with a vengeance.

"Evie?" Kennedy questioned. "Evie are you ok? He kissed her on the cheek that's all! I just thought you should know."

"I'm fine Kennedy," Evie mumbled into the phone. "I mean I did break things off for him for a reason, right? This is good for him-"

"Evie it's ok to not like seeing him with someone else."

"I'm happy for him," Evie insisted, trying to bite back the tears that came to her eyes. "He's just meant to be with someone else! I mean I always knew that he was meant to hook up with some royal lady-"

"Evie don't-"

"I'm happy for him!" Evie screamed. "I just wish-"

"That you were her?"

"No!  just want him to be happy and I know that she's not really going to give that to him."

"Ok Evie it's ok to be jealous but, who knows maybe he loves her-"

"She's gay Kennedy. She told me so herself and she told me that she and Devon could never really be more than friends."

Kennedy was silent for a moment. 

"So why are they kissing?" Kennedy asked.

"I don't know!" Evie said, suddenly getting rather irritated at the conversation. "Look, Kennedy, I'm going to go ok? I've got projects to work on-"

"Finals projects and tests aren't for another month!"

"I'm getting a head start. Bye."

"Bye," Kennedy said quietly.

Evie flopped down onto her bed, the computer now long forgotten. With a few clicks, the faces of Prince Devon and Princess Elianna were gracing her phone screen. The media seemed to be getting a kick out of the fact that the most eligible bachelor in the country was appearing with a suitable match. Evie guessed that they probably fainted in shock when they saw Devon lean over and peck the princess on the cheek.

Looking at the pictures, Evie could clearly see how uncomfortable both parties were. However, she also saw the smiling face of Queen Meredith behind them. Evie shook her head and remembered everything that Tina had said about her Mother earlier.

"What a horrid woman," Evie muttered to herself.

She had never been a fan of Queen Meredith. Even when she was in public, she seemed like she had a metal rod shoved up her ass. However, even in private, Queen Meredith had never been overly kind to her. And from what Tina was saying, she had done worse than just being inhospitable.

Evie placed her phone back down onto her bed and then checked the time.


"Evie?" A yell came from the other room. "I'm hungry is it almost time to eat?"

Evie rolled her eyes. "Right on cue."

A/N- Hey Guys! Currently sitting in Starbucks dying because of Camp Nanowrimo but you know... IT'S FINE!

Ughhh ok well I'm super behind so I'm going to get back to writing but I'll see y'all later!

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