Chapter 12- The Boyfriend

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"Are you mad at me Tina?" Evie asked as soon as she was safely within the doors of her friend's room.  

"Of course not Evie! Oh my gosh that's why you were so nervous around him! You totally like him. Oh my gosh I love it!"

"It's not like that T-"

"Oh of course not," Tina said with a dramatic wink. 

"Really Tina! He just drove me home that one time. He doesn't even remember it."

"I beg to differ. I mean have you looked at that drawing?"

Evie's face flushed just thinking about what was on the small piece of paper that Tina had handed to her outside of Devon's bedroom. 

"I think that if he can draw your eyes by memory, he definitely remembers you," Tina said looking back at the paper that contained said drawing. "I mean look at that he even got your eyelashes right!"

"Those could be anyone's eyes Tina. Besides, if he did remember me he would've said something by now don't you think?" Evie said pulling the paper away from Tina and tucking it into her pocket.

"Maybe he's nervous! Or maybe it's like Cinderella and he loves you, he just doesn't know that he loves you." 

"I'm not looking for a relationship Tina."

"Neither was I but I still hooked up with Ben from chemistry last week!"

"Tina!" Evie said looking at her friend in shock. "And that's different."

"Do you already have a boyfriend?"


"Well then here you go! Bam boyfriend. Your welcome."

"No. Not bam. I don't date."

"You've never had a boyfriend?"

"I've had boyfriends before. They just never work out." Evie said, looking down to avoid Tina's curious gaze. 

"You got your heartbroken didn't you?" Tina asked quietly. "I've seen that face before."

Evie nodded slightly. 

"You wanna talk about it?"

"His name was Anthony. We applied to colleges together and miraculously, we managed to get scholarships to an American college. We planned to move in together and then after college, we would get married and come back home. I loved him so much Tina. He was everything that I had ever dreamed of. But then my parents died and everything that we had planned fell apart. For me I guess. He didn't get it. He didn't understand why I couldn't move to America with him. He told me that El was just going to weigh me down. That I should just let her get put into the system so we could live out our dreams." Evie said. Her fists were clenched at her sides. "He didn't even want to try and make things work. As soon as I told him that I was staying to fight and get custody of El he slammed the door in my face and dumped me. I never saw him again."

"Oh, Evie. I'm so so sorry-"

"No. Don't be sorry. If I could redo it I would make the same choice. My sister is my everything, Tina. And that's why taking care of her is my priority, not my relationships."

"What a douchebag! No boy should ever make you choose between something like that."

Evie gave a short, mirthless laugh. 

"If I ever saw him again I would slap him in the face."

"Girl I would already have him pinned on the ground."

This time the laughter was full of friendship and genuine comfort. 


The next morning, Evie woke up to find Tina's bed already empty. She quickly raised herself off the cot she was laying on and wandered towards the front of Tina's quarters. 

"Tina? You there?" Evie called. 

"In here!" Tina responded from her office.

"Sorry," She said as Evie walked into the room. "I've got to turn this paper in my midnight and I just realized that I'm not going to have time later tonight since I'll be in Hillville."

"It's fine. But, I should get going soon since I need to pick up Ella from her friends house."

"Of course! Do you want some breakfast? I can call a butler if you want," Tina said getting up from her desk and moving towards Evie. 

"That'd be great. Oh and then where should I put those shoes I borrowed yesterday? I forgot to put them away last night."

"Ehh. Keep them. I think they look better on you anyway." 

"Tina! I couldn't possibly-"

"Evie it's fine. Just take them ok?" 

"Are you sure?" Evie asked.

"I'm positive. Now move over so I can call a butler."

A/N- Hi lovelies!!! How are y'all doing today? I'm excited because it's finally Friday!!!

Now, I want to get to know you guys better so what's your favorite color?

Mine is pink! I'm that person that never grew out of the 'pink phase' in second grade.

Anyway, I hope y'all have a great weekend and if you enjoyed this chapter please consider giving it a vote or even tagging a friend! It makes my day when I see new comments and I like to dedicate the chapter to the person who leaves the first one. (I haven't done this the last few chapters I'm sorry.)

Alrighty loves! See you on Monday!!!

Alrighty loves! See you on Monday!!!

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