Chapter 10- The Dinner

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Evie inhaled sharply as she realized that this room was much bigger than the tea room that she had been in before.

King Jacob was seated at the head of the table with Queen Meredith on his right-hand side. A man and a woman that Evie didn't recognize was sitting in the seats just to the left of the king.

"Valentina! I'm so glad you could join us. I'm sure you remember Lord and Lady Matthew Fiends?" The king said.

"Of course. A pleasure to see you again," Tina said with a nod in their direction.

"And I see you've also brought a guest?"

"Yes father. I introduce to you Evelyn Delany. She has entertained me for most of the day."

"It's an honour to meet you your highness," Evie said with a curtsy in the king's direction.

"It is my pleasure to meet you Evelyn. Please, take a seat."

Evie followed Tina to a seat near the queen and sat down carefully. She slanted her legs and kept her chin up the entire time. Once she was settled, Evie looked at Tina with wide eyes. Tina gave her a smile and Evie released a breath.

And then that breath seemed to come back and slap her in the face as the doors opened once again to allow Prince Devon inside. A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he approached his father.

"Devon. How lovely of you to join us," King Jacob said.

"I apologize for my tardiness, father. I got caught up in-"

"That's quite alright Devon. If you could take your seat please."

Devon quickly shut his mouth and nodded, making his way over to the open seat which was right across from Evie. He shot her a curious smile which she returned with a cautious wave. His smile expanded making her eyes widen and her hand snapped back to her side.

Evie looked to Tina for guidance only to find her friend engaging in conversation with the Queen and Lady Fiends. She was about to butt in when she heard a smooth, masculine voice from behind her.

"Evelyn, right?" The voice said.

Evie turned around, her eyes still as wide as saucers. Prince Devon was perched forward with his forearms resting casually on the table. His hazel eyes seemed to dance over Evie's face when she turned to look at him and suddenly, Evie felt like someone had stolen her oxygen right from her lungs.

"Yes," Evie replied nervously.

"You're the one who brought cream puffs from Carla's right?"


"I do love those cream puffs. It's too bad Carla has her own shop or I would steal her to work here!"

Evie laughed quietly.

"Are you nervous Evelyn?" Devon asked quietly.

"No," Evie replied quickly.

He quirked an eyebrow.

"Yes." Evie sighed.

"And let me guess, Tina tried to help, and she really did her best but it just made you more nervous?"

Evie nodded shyly.

"She has a habit of doing that unfortunatly. Now I need you to breath because you look like you might just explode on the spot and then I want you to enjoy your food. Don't worry about my family just please enjoy your dinner, sound good?"

Evie nodded again, this time much more confidently.

"Thank you. Oh good! Here come the servers!" Devon exclaimed as a parade of men and women dressed in simple white uniforms and carrying large plates of food came out of a door concealed by an intricate wood carving.

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