Chapter 13- The Sister

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After a breakfast feast, Evie packed up all her stuff and made her way towards the entrance of the large castle. As she was saying her final goodbyes to Tina, she realized that she had left her car at her apartment. 

"Ummm Tina? I'm sorry if this is too much to ask but could someone drive me home? We took your car here and I'm not sure I could walk out of here and not get run over by fans."

"Oh my gosh, I completely forgot! Come on. I'll drive you over to pick up your sister. I want to meet her anyway." 

"Are you sure? And don't you want your wig?"

"I'm sure and I'll stay in the car while you get your sister. Plus I just got some really cool sunglasses that I can wear too!"

Evie laughed at her friend as she dramatically pulled a pair of sunglasses with heart-shaped lenses out of her purse. She also pulled out her cell phone and quickly dialed a number. 

"Carlos? Yes, it's me. Could you come with me to drive Evie back home for a bit? No, take your own car. Yes just tail us. Thanks Carlos!" 

Tina happily tapped her phone and turned back to Evie. 

"Alrighty let's go! Carlos is going to tail to make sure that no one abducts me or whatever so we're all set." 

The two waited for a moment until Carlos waltzed into the room, his keys dangling from his fingers. Then, they walked outside into the brisk fall air. 

"I love autumn," Tina said, inhaling deeply and twirling in the breeze.

Evie shook her head and laughed as Tina stumbled into the car after her pirouette. She excitedly shoved her car keys in the ignition.

"Now just to warn you, I don't get to drive by myself very often so I can get quite...excited. But, the good news is that we can't get any tickets because I'm a royal!" Tina said as she secured her seatbelt. 

"You can't get tickets?" Evie asked as she strapped her seatbelt on and held onto the seat much tighter than she normally would. 

"Nope," Tina said as she slowly started her way down the driveway. "It's part of what I like to call royal benefits. The law is much more... lenient on us royals."

"Good to know that you could be a criminal and still run the country," Evie muttered. 

"Don't be like that Evie! I just mean like speeding tickets and what not. Now, what's the address?" 

"4545 S. Timbleton." 

"Thank you. Now, do you think I should wear my hair up or down for dinner today?" 

After a few minutes of speeding around Lexia, they finally arrived in front of a large, brick house. The grounds were beautifully decorated with rose bushes and autumn leaves that had fallen from a large tree.

"Is this it?" Tina asked, shifting the gear to park. 

"Yeah, I've been here before," Evie replied as she unbuckled her seatbelt. "I'll be back in less than 10 minutes. Is Carlos nearby?"

"Chill out Evie. He's been in that black SUV the whole time." 

Evie looked around until she spotted the black car lurking by the corner. She nodded at Tina and then walked up to the front of the house. She had barely removed her finger from the doorbell when a woman with a kind face appeared at the door. 

"Evie! Darling, we've missed you! Why haven't you come over more? You know you're always welcome to swing by for dinner right? Or just any time?"

"I've missed you too Ms. Andrews. Ella and I have just been so busy trying to keep up with schoolwork and my job,"

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