Introduction and Dedication

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Hey guys!! Welcome to my little corner of Wattpad! My name is Madeline or Maddie if you prefer and I love to write teen fiction!

This is my first original book, although I have some other works published on other sites, so it would mean the world if you would take the time to read, comment and share my story.

Now a couple warnings before we get started:
- There will be swearing in this story
- There will be some mild romantic scenes (no mature content though)

If you don't like that, don't read.

Now onto our lovely cast!

Ryan Newman as Evelyn Delany

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Ryan Newman as Evelyn Delany

Mikey Murphy as Prince Devon of Lexia

Witney Carson as Princess Valentina of Lexia

Witney Carson as Princess Valentina of Lexia

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Addison Riecke as Ella Delany

And last thing before we get into the actual story but I would like to dedicate this novel to my fans who have been here from the beginning❤️ Y'all mean the world to me and I don't know where I would be without you. And of course to Halle for proofreading this and giving me the confidence to post it.

Love you all and don't forget you're beautiful❤️

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