Chapter 49- The End

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"I'd risk it all for one more shot at us. That is, if you want it too?"

Evie's heart was beating rapidly as Devon looked down at her, his eyes shining with an emotion Evie couldn't place. Although it was whispered, Evie didn't have to strain to hear Devon's answer.

"Yes," He whispered, his lips slowly spreading into a smile.

"Yes?" Evie questioned, her smile slowly forming to match Devon's.

"The answer will always be yes for you, Evelyn Delany."

He pulled Evie closer to him, wiping a strand of hair out of her face, his eyes asking a silent question. Without even hesitating, Evie's eyes drifted down to his lips and she gave a small, sharp nod.

His lips met hers tentatively at first, rediscovering the once familiar warmth that came with kissing one another. Slowly, hands drifted onto shoulders and hips, pulling each other close, desperate for contact and yet, their lips stayed gentle, slowly moving together as if they had never been apart.

And despite the fact that her cheeks were red from the speech that she just delivered. Despite her brain feeling like it might explode due to the stress that she had endured from the day's events. Despite the fact that the Queen herself was watching her only son kiss the life out of a girl that she didn't deem worthy, Evie felt that maybe, if she had Devon by her side, everything would be ok.


5 Months Later

Evie grasped Ella's hand tightly as they sat quietly in the back of a limo. Evie was dressed in what had turned into her usual attire, nude tights with a sweater dress and a matching hat. Her hair was slicked back into a bun, her wrist sporting a diamond bracelet and matching earrings dangling from her ears. Gone were her days of aprons and college sweatshirts. After all, she was the girlfriend of the Crowned Prince, she had to look the part.

Ella sat next to her, the fingers on her free hand playing absentmindedly with the locket that Tina had given her. Her white stockings, black skirt, and red cardigan had been picked out specifically for this occasion.

"Are we almost there?" Ella asked quietly.

Richard, the Delany family driver, nodded slightly.

"About five more minutes Miss Delany."

Ella gave Evie's hand a squeeze.

"Ready?" She asked quietly.

Evie let out a shaky breath.

"Hell no," She replied quietly. "But I don't think I ever will be."

"I love you," Ella said softly.

Evie smiled down at her younger sister, taking in her polished appearance that had changed so much in the past 5 months.

"I love you too," She said, releasing her sister's hand and allowing her to reach for the mints that were in a compartment across from them.

Evie looked out of the tinted windows and inhaled deeply as the car rolled to a stop. She pulled out her pocket mirror and swiped on a fresh coat of lipgloss before she turned to Richard and gave him the nod that signaled that she was ready. Ella rolled her shoulders back and placed her picture-perfect smile into place, ready to be bombarded by excited citizens and photographers who were eager to witness the historic tradition that was about to take place.

Evie's gracefully stepped out of the car, straightening her spine and holding her head high as the cameras flashed around her. People of all ages crowded around the limo, guards stationed sporadically along the pathway to ensure that no one blocked the girls' path.

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