Chapter 23- The Number

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"Yes, could I have two cream puffs, a slice of your carrot cake and a slice of- Miss? Miss, are you listening?" A customer asked, clenching her fist around her wallet.

"What? I'm so sorry ma'am. Could you please repeat that?" Evie said, shaking her head.

"Two cream puffs, a slice of carrot cake and a slice of pecan pie please," The customer said, angrily pulling her credit card out.

"I'm so sorry ma'am. That'll be up right away."

Evie quickly ran to the back and reported the order to Kennedy who helped her get all of the sweets ready. Evie also filled her in on her blunder with the customer.

"What is up with you girl? You've been spacing out like this since your birthday! Do you really feel that guilty about Tina buying you those new clothes?"

"No! I mean, yes but that's not why I keep spacing out," Evie replied as she made her way back over to the register. "Here you go, ma'am. Sorry for the wait."

The lady scowled slightly but took her things and left the shop. With the bakery basically free from customers, Evie pulled Kennedy into the back kitchen.

"Well? Are you going to tell me what's been going on with you lately? In the past week, you've messed up over five orders. You hardly ever make any mistakes!" Kennedy said.

"I kissed him," Evie mumbled.

"What was that?" Kennedy asked, raising her eyebrows for emphasis.

"I kissed him," Evie repeated. "On the night of my birthday, we kissed."

"Excuse me? You kissed who?" Kennedy said.

"Devon! I kissed the crowned prince of our country!" Evie whispered before burying her face in her hands and sighing.

"Wait. You kissed Prince Devon?"



"Shut up Kennedy! The customers will hear you!"

"No they won't and if they do I won't care. Oh my god Evie why didn't you tell me? Wait, is he a good kisser? Are you dating? Oh my gosh you're basically a princess! Wait a minute, did you guys fuck? Evie tell me-"

"Kennedy!" Evie screamed over her best friend.

"I'm sorry! I'm just excited wait wait wait. What happened to mystery club guy who gave you a ride home?"

"It's him," Evie mumbled. "I knew it was him after I saw him at the palace for the first time. I mean his eyes are pretty unmistakable. That's why I went to find him that night. I had to tell him that I appreciated what he did for me that night."

"That's so romantic Evie! Is he going to take you to the club again? That would be so sweet!" Kennedy gushed.

"I haven't talked to him since, Kennedy. That's why I keep losing my focus. He barely said anything to me the next morning! Am I supposed to wait for him to say something? Or do I call him? Actually, I don't think I have his number probably because he's the prince and it's insane that I'm even talking to him let alone have his number-"

"Alright. Stop right there. How many times have you talked to him?"

"I don't know! Almost everytime I go to the palace he's there and I usually say 'hi' but it has never gone any farther than that."

"Alright, well that's just sad. Anyway, do you find him attractive?"

"Well duh I mean have you seen the man?" Evie exclaimed, automatically thinking about his handsome smirk and dancing eyes.

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