Chapter 47- The Conversation Between Two Sisters

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"Mother-" Tina said, approaching her mom cautiously.

"Enough Valentina. Both of you," The queen said, sweeping her eyes across the stairs to glare at both of her children. "Have made a mess of everything. We need reporters talking about Devon's upcoming visit to military school. Not stories about him beating up random civilians in a bakery."

"I didn't lay a hand on him, Mother," Devon said, his face impassive.

"You and I both know that that's not what the reporters will say," The Queen said, turning her eyes onto Evie and glaring slightly. "Why don't we call a car for this girl and she can wait at her home while we discuss things?"

"No," Devon said, stepping up the stairs until he was at equal height with his mom. "She's going to go wait for me and Tina in the joint room. And then, we can talk. Royal to royal."

The queen took her eyes off Evie and turned them onto her son. Her pinched face looked like it might explode and her hawk-like eyes searched Devon's stony face for a moment before she gave him a sharp nod and walked down a corridor, out of sight.

"Come on Evs, Ella," Tina said, gesturing for them to follow her down the winding halls of her home. Devon ran a hand through his hair and fidgeted as he walked next to Evie. Ella took one look at the pair and ran ahead so that she could walk with Tina.

"Why are you shaking?" Evie asked once her sister was out of listening range.

"I'm not."

"You definitely are."

"Why do you care?"

Evie huffed and crossed her arms. "Why are you being so difficult?"

"I always am."

"No you're not," Evie said casually, looking anywhere but at the prince. She could feel his eyes on her but she still didn't risk a glance. "You're usually much calmer than I am in any given situation. And I don't think I've ever heard you say no to your mother."

"Well, I decided that I needed to speak up."

"Why?" Evie asked quietly, her eyes finding the floor. "You don't need to. I could've handled this."

"Because I care about you."

Evie raised an eyebrow and risked a glance at the prince. Her mouth opened soundlessly for a moment before she quietly said, "I wasn't aware that caring about someone translated to uncontrollable fidgeting and disobeying your mother."

"I've always been ok with most of my mom's decisions. I didn't like them but, I understood that she was just trying to do what's best for me. But now, I've got something to fight for. I'm fighting for you, Evie."

"I can handle myself-"

"You think that I don't know that?" Devon asked, his signature smirk playing on his lips even as his hands continued to fidget. "You're one of the strongest people I know. But, Mother has the board wrapped around her finger. And she's going to put up a good fight."

"I'm sorry," Evie said softly, turning her gaze back in front of her.

"Don't be," Devon assured her, hesitantly reaching a hand towards her. "You've didn't do anything wrong."

"Haven't I?" Evie said. "I thought I was doing the right thing when I said I would come here. I don't know what I was thinking-"

"You belong here," Devon said, his hand suddenly surging forward and clasping onto Evie's much smaller hand. "With m- with Tina. You belong here with Tina."

Evie smiled at him and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. They walked the rest of the way with their hands intertwined and a warm feeling bubbling in their chests.

All too soon, Evie and Ella were sitting in the joint room without the royal siblings by their side. Ella sat in a beanbag, staring at Evie. Evie avoided even looking in her sister's direction, instead opting to raid the royal's mini fridge and find a snack.

"What's going on Evie?" Ella asked quietly.

Evie stayed silent and pretended that she couldn't feel her sister's eyes on her back.

"Evie, Tina was muttering about Tony. Did he come back? What's wrong? Why did Devon get in a fight?"

Evie's grip on the soda can tightened. Her brain struggled to find the words to explain the mess that they were in. Tears pricked at the back of her eyes for the millionth time that day.

"Yeah," Evie whispered. "Tony came back and tried to convince me to leave with him. He, of course, got angry when I said no and Devon and Tina ended up coming in and helping me out. I'm sorry for pulling you into this Ella, you never should have been involved in any of this. I never should have gotten involved with the Royals in the first place-"

"Don't say that Evie-"

"If I hadn't dated Devon, you wouldn't be here right now! You would be in school just like you should be!"

"God, Evie, is that all that matters? How I feel? Where I should be?" Ella exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "What about you? What about the fact that being with Devon made you happier than I've ever seen you? What about the fact that Tina made you more confident and badass?"

"It doesn't matter because it put you in danger," Evie whispered. "Don't you get it, El? You're my life. I would do anything for you."

"And I love you for it," Ella said, stepping up to her sister and taking her hands. "I'm so grateful for everything you've ever done for me, Evie. And that's why I want you to do what's best for yourself for once."

"You're more important-"

"No I'm not," Ella chuckled to herself. "Look, Evie, I might only be 15 but I'm not stupid. I know that we have money issues. I know that you broke up with Devon because 'it wasn't safe'. I even had a feeling that your break up with Tony might not have been as clean as you make it seem. So, here's what you're going to do. You're going to stop worrying about me. And you're going to fight. Fight for another date with Devon and another girls day with Tina and Kennedy."

"Ella, what?" Evie asked, confused. "Devon and I are not happening. He's with Elianna."

"And anyone with eyes can see that he's in love with you! Look, you're always trying to do what's best for me and what would make me happy. Well, I'm giving you permission to do something for yourself for once. Stop feeling bad about everything that happened. Stop thinking about other people. Stop thinking about the consequences. For once just follow your heart, ok?"

Evie looked down at her sister for a moment before gathering her in her arms and smiling slightly.

"When did you get so mature?" Evie asked, quietly, resting her head on top of Ella's.

"Well it helps to have good role models," Ella whispered back.

Evie chuckled lightly, "I love you, El."

"Love you too, sis. Now I need you to go fight for your man."

A/N- Sooo this chapter is like a week and 2 days late but, that's still earlier than most of my updates so I guess I'll give myself a pat on the back.

Recently, I've been trying to be healthier and lower my sugar intake so if anyone knows of any good, healthy snacks that I should try lemme know. Also, sorry if the grammar isn't perfect in this chapter, I was rushing to try and finish it so that I could publish it as soon as possible.

Love you guys and I'll see you next week (probably not but we can hope),


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