Chapter 25- The Date

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Evie approached the door with her heart in her throat. She could hear Kennedy's muffled squealing and the soft tap of her heels against the floor but all she could focus on was the ringing of the doorbell in her ears.

As her hand closed around the doorbell, her brain screamed at her to run as far away as she could. But her body betrayed her and twisted the knob.

Devon was looking clean and polished as always in a plaid dress shirt and pressed black pants. His shoes gleamed in the dim lighting and his hair was perfectly arranged.

"Hello Evelyn," He greeted with his signature smirk.

"Your Highness," Evie said. "How are you?"

"Wonderful thank you. Are you ready to go? I believe your entire building is surrounded by guards who won't hesitate to break in if I stay here for any longer than they believe necessary."

"Of course! Let me just..." Evie trailed off as she grabbed her purse from a small table that was next to the door. Her hand hesitated over a pair of sunglasses but after a minute of contemplation, she grabbed them and rested them on her head.

"Alright," Evie said, letting out a gust of air. "Let's go."


The limo ride was just as Evie remembered from last time; smooth and luxurious.

Devon pulled out a bottle of champagne and started pouring it into a cup.

"You never did allow me to buy you a drink," He said. "That night at the bar. I asked you if you wanted a drink and you said-"

"That I was underage but that you could drive me home," Evie interrupted with a smile.

Devon handed Evie a glass with a smirk.

"Well Miss Delany, since you're of age, how would you like to enjoy a glass of champagne with me?"

"I think I would enjoy that."

The pair turned to each other and clinked their glasses. Even in the dimly lit limo, Evie could see the sparkle in Devon's hazel eyes.

"To booze!"


After two glasses of champagne, the limo came to a slow stop. A hoard of guards spilled out of nearby black cars that Evie hadn't even realized had been following them.

"Did you bring sunglasses?" Devon asked.

"Of course."

"Do you want to wear them?"

"I think for now I would."


And with that, he opened the door.

To her surprise, there were no paparazzi when Evie stepped out of the car. Her tinted sunglasses showed only the lines of guards that lead to the door of the restaurant.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah," Evie replied. "You have a lot more guards than Tina."

"Sorry about that-"

"Don't be sorry!" Evie said, feeling bad for comparing the two royal siblings. "Why don't we just go inside the restaurant?"

He briefly raised an eyebrow but eventually shook his head with a smile.

"Well then, come on."

The pair quickly walked up the runway that the guards had formed and reached the door of the establishment. A guard pulled open the door and bowed as Devon passed through; an action that made Devon extraordinarily uncomfortable.

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